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Maddy woke up the next morning to Mason beside her, watching her.

"Sorry about last night Mason" Maddy muttered and he scoffed.

"Don't be sorry" Mason replied, "You've got nothing to be sorry about"

"I promise you I hadn't done it in about a year before yesterday, I just felt so shit" Maddy said quietly and Mason pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

"What's Mel cooking?" Maddy asked Mason who shrugged in response.

Maddy climbed out of bed and walked into the hallway where she started hugging Evie.

"Where did you go last night babe?" Evie asked under her breath.

"Just to the bathroom then stayed with Mason" Maddy smiled at her.

"Getting it on?" Evie teased.

"Not yet Eves but I'll tell you when we do" Maddy said to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Mom I need to use the bathroom!" Tracy shouted, very angry about the strange Brady guy in her house.

"Well can't you hold it a minute?" Mel asked, Evie and Maddy still hugging and in their own world with one another.

"That's how you get a bladder infection, you child abuser" Tracy scoffed as did her mother at the same time.

"That's dramatic" Mel responded to her daughter, completely unfazed by what she was saying.

"Let's just go pee outside wussy" Evie and Maddy said in sync.

"Jinx" They said again at the same time.

Tracy walked outside with Maddy and Evie held behind. Maddy and Tracy heard what she said but neither of them really cared.

Evie and Maddy finished weeing together and Maddy walked over to Mason's window.

He was putting his shirt on when Maddy started grabbing her g-string and grinding on thin air.

"Hey Mason" Maddy shouted to the boy who watched her, "Move your g-string down south"

"Dude, no! That is so gross. That's my brother" Tracy whined while Evie stared like a proud mother.

"Tracy babe, me and him are a thing anyways" Maddy said before lifting her top up and flashing Mason the sight underneath, "Didn't need to ask that time Mase!"

Evie giggled and Tracy stared in shock, "Oh my god!"

"Maybe I'll marry into the family?" Maddy said as they ran off and got ready for school.

The three girls walked down the halls with their arms linked.

"Oh my god, I'm seeing Mason tonight!" Maddy squealed in excitement over seeing the boy.

"So cheesy" Evie giggled and Maddy rolled her eyes.

"I haven't been home in a while" Maddy muttered, "Mother may be mad"

There was a silence that filled for a couple minutes before Maddy spoke up again, "Come on Trace, we've got class"

The two girls walked in late and sat in their assigned seats while smirking at the teacher's face.

"And why are you late Miss Freeland?" The teacher spoke up causing Tracy's smile to get wider.

"Sorry. Can't a girl go to the bathroom?" She asked. The boys started giggling and Tracy was smiling the widest she ever had.

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