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The girls walked up the where the boys were sat and Maddy put her hand on his knee.

"You guys wanna get high?" Maddy asked them.

"Four bucks a hit" Evie added while Tracy looked at them confused.

"Fo sure" One of the boys said as they began handing the girls money.

"Pay me back when we get home" Maddy said to Tracy but said nothing to Evie as they were practically sisters at that point.

Maddy zoned out and just let Evie do all the dealing from then on. Maddy would have shared the money with her regardless, she just couldn't be bothered.

They were given orange vests to wear and stood on the roundabout all smoking. Maddy was smoking a joint whereas Evie was smoking a cigarette. Two different personalities but the same all together.

The roundabout spun as they were all out of it. Before they knew it they were laying on the floor laughing at nothing.

"Evie I see spiders" Tracy laughed, while rubbing her neck.

"I see naked people" Evie said back to her, "What do you see Maddy?"

"Weed and Coke" Maddy said causing everyone to laugh even more. That was quite literally all she could see. The floor was just coke and so was the sky. Then the houses were made out of weed and spliffs. The stars were buds. The trees were big plants.

She watched as Evie the coke person leant into Weed man to kiss but Maddy just stood up and began dancing round.

The other guy would continuously try and kiss Tracy but she was being boring pushing his head away.

While Maddy was dancing round, the sprinklers turned on and everyone began just getting up and running round, a lot of the boys taking their clothes off. 

Everyone dancing and running round laughing.

Evie grabbed Maddy and spun her round until they fell over. Evie scrambled to get back up but Maddy just crawled a bit further from anyone else.

She heard someone walk over and when she looked it was Mason.

"Mason" Maddy said as she reached out but he pushed her hands away.

Maddy was upset by this but held it in as usual when Mason came back with Tracy scrambling beside him.

Evie grabbed the sad Maddy and hugged her knowing she was upset. Evie may have been off her face but if her girl is down then Evie will do everything in her power to make her happy again.

"You okay?" Evie asked and Maddy nodded, "What happened?"

"I said his name and then he pushed me away" Maddy said and Evie frowned.

"Maybe he thought you were some high rando" Evie said suggestively.

"I'm not high" Maddy said to Evie who muttered "Liar"

They came back to the conversation in the house and saw Tracy throw cards in the air, "I'm a lion!" She shouted before she started roaring.

Evie ran over to Tracy and grabbed her arm, "Tracy come on!"

"Tracy, you hounded me for two weeks for this damn game" Mel said clearly upset with the girl's lack of enthusiasm for it.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Maddy said before Evie frowned at her knowing there's something else wrong. Tracy just started laughing.


Maddy sat in the bathroom and searched the cupboards for a razor. When she found one she got the razor blades out and pulled her trousers down. She thought about her dad. And the note he left. She thought about what the note said.

Dear Maddy,

I'm sorry to say sweetie but it's time to go, me and your mommy don't love each other anymore and it's a bit too much for me to account for. I will remember you're adorable cuddles and the homemade cards you always gave me.

I will always value all of the memories you gave me and I wish to see you when I can but right now I'm leaving for good and never coming back. I hope you can forgive me for what i've done and see this is all within reasoning.

Love you and will always miss you,


Madeline Dove read the letter her dad left her and sobbed. The page now soaked in her tears. She sat and listened to her mother cry and her mother blame it on her. She watched as her mother sent her brothers up to their rooms and began hitting her. Putting her cigarette out on her. Kicking her. Verbally abusing her when she was in the way.

This all started when her father left and will forever continue until he come back. But like he said, he's never coming back.

"I miss you daddy" Maddy cried to herself before drawing the blade to her skin.

"I miss when you used to cuddle me and when you used to read to me" She continued.

She then thought about her mother before she resulted to alcohol and drugs. She thought about how her mother was the sweetest soul and would do anything to protect her daughter.

Now she'll do anything to hit her daughter.

"I miss mom, dad. You fucking ruined her" Maddy cried and kept moving areas with the blades.

Then she thought about Mason. How he kicked her to the side like she was nothing. How he pushed her away. How she's at her lowest and he hasn't said a word to her yet.

The door opened. Maddy looked up and saw those bright blue eyes staring back at her. She smiled at them. He was in shock. His mouth was basically touching the floor. He couldn't move. He wanted to but was frozen in shock.

He slowly walked over to Maddy and held his hand out for the blades. She hesitantly put them in his hand and he flushed them down the toilet. He grabbed some water on a towel and cleaned away the blood.

He lastly grabbed a bandage from the First Aid kit under the sink and wrapped it around the cuts on her leg.


He picked her up and took her to his room where she lay on the bed in her arms crying.

His stomach dropped watching her cry and the scene he'd witnessed. He was upset she didn't say anything about it and he was scared to think he was the reason why she did it.

She'd calmed down about an hour later and was sat on her own accord smoking a cigarette.

"Where were you when I found Tracy and Evie, you came out of nowhere" Mason asked and she scoffed.

"When you were walking in the sprinklers I said you're name and you pushed my arms away!" Maddy shouted angrily, "You fucking pushed me away"

"That was you?" Mason asked and she nodded, "I'm so sorry Mads, I couldn't see with the sprinklers and it didn't help how you were with a bunch of random people either"

"I'm sorry Mase" Maddy muttered to him.

He grabbed her and pulled her close to him, "You have nothing to be sorry for okay? You should not be sorry at all. This is all my fault okay?"

"Don't blame yourself Blondie" Maddy whispered as he kissed her forehead.

"I love you Mads"

"I love you too Mase"


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