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The two went to school the next day and as per usual it dragged on. Maddy had gym and ignored Tracy the whole time. She didn't know why. She was so drained and didn't have to motivation to talk to anyone.

Maddy was sat in a tree smoking when she noticed Tracy sit down on the sidewalk beside it. She stood up when two people came towards her.

"You's nasty" Yvette said to Tracy and she stared, "I heard that you got used"

"What? By who?" Tracy said in confusion.

"By Conrad, on the stairs at Nona's party"

Maddy sat in the tree almost giggling at what was happening below her.

"Shit never happened but believe whatever the fuck you want" Tracy said as she tried to walk away.

Yvette pushed her, "That's not what Evie said, you fucking lying?"

Maddy's eyes widened, Evie fucking hated Tracy because she didn't let Evie move in. Evie was a possessive bitch but it took Maddy too long to realise. Good riddance to her when she leaves.

Maddy decided to be Evie's best friend until she moves away then cut off all contact with her.

"Bitch you better not ever touch me again" Tracy said as she pushed Yvette back.

People started shouting so Yvette legged it with the boy and Tracy continued with her day. Maddy stayed in the tree for the rest of the day.

Maddy got a call from Mason:

Are you okay Mase?

Meet me at the front of school, you're coming to mine.

Okay love you.

Love you more.

Maddy walked to him and they went back to his together. She sat in the kitchen eating cereal and feeding some to the boy behind her.

"You okay?" Mason asked and Maddy sighed.

"Shit's about to go down Mason, I can feel it"

"I love you no matter what happens" Mason said, "Remember that Mads"

"I love you too Mase"

Maddy watched as Brooke and Evie walked in. Followed by Tracy a while afterwards. Brooke and Evie explained everything to Mel.

"I'll talk to you in a bit, go to your room or go out okay" Maddy said to Mason, "I love you" She kissed him and left him in confusion. But she soon found he did as she asked and she joined the adults in the living room.

"Hey Evie, Maddy, Brooke. You healed up great" Tracy said and everyone sat in silence.

"Sit down" Mel said to Tracy.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Tracy said before Mel interrupted her.

"Leave your purse"

"Fine" Tracy left the room. You could hear faint banging and a sigh before Tracy left the bathroom. Evie left the room. The two returned together after a few minutes and Maddy sighed.

The girls sat on a chair together. They watched as Brooke tipped a box out with all of the things from Evie's and Tracy's rooms. Neither of them bothering to go to Maddy's.

"Tracy" Mel whispered clearly about to cry.

"What? None of that shits mine" Tracy said trying to deny her way out of it.

"We found it" Mel said barely above a whisper.

"What? Speak up, mom, cause I can't hear you!" Tracy shouted at her mother.

"Do not talk to your mother like that" Brooke scolded Tracy, "She said we found it, stashed around your bedroom, all your little hiding spots"

"Jesus Evie" Tracy said pushing herself away from the girl.

"I had to. You don't get it" Evie said strongly.

Maddy scoffed at the situation in front of her.

"Oh no, I get it" Tracy said before walking over to her mother, "Who the fuck do you think you are going in my room?"

"You're lucky I got there before the cops did, honey" Brooke said calmly, "Hey, I'm just trying to help you sweetie"

There was a tap at the table and all of the money from Tracy's purse was on the table.

"How do you explain 860 dollars in your purse?" Mel asked Tracy and the girl scoffed at her.

"What do you expect me to say mom? We jacked it okay? It's not like your broke ass ever has any money to give me!" Tracy shouted, "Mom, when Brady went to the halfway house, what happened to our phone, our cable? You didn't even know how to pay the bills"

"It's no wonder dad didn't want to be with you, you didn't even finish high school!" Tracy shouted at her mother.

A tear ran down Maddy's face. Her body full of emotions, panic, anger, sadness, guilt. But most of all, worry. For Mason. For his family.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Maddy said to Evie as she walked away and locked herself in the stall.

She thought about getting the razor blade out. But she thought about how Mason would feel if he saw she'd done it again. She missed him and her brothers. She missed her dad. How life was before he'd left. Maddy sat in the bathroom for a good 5 minutes. She ignored the screams and shouts from the rooms in the house.

"You're a really bad influence. I mean you cheat, you lie, you steal" Brooke said to Tracy like the girl hadn't learnt it off Maddy and Evie.

"Oh my god are you kidding me? Where do you think I learnt all this shit from!?" Tracy shouted.

"Tracy was playing Barbies before she met Evie!" Mel shouted as they followed Tracy to the kitchen.

"Did she teach you how to beat the crap out of her as well?" Brooke shouted at Tracy, Mel pushing her away from Tracy, "Don't even start with me, I've seen the bruises little one"

"What the fuck did you tell her Eves?" Maddy asked Evie who shied away.

"Come here" Brooke said as she pulled Evie close and pushed the girl's hair away, "What about this?"

"What the fuck?" Maddy shouted.

"We were just goofing!" Tracy said to Brooke, "I don't believe this shit, she hit us too" She pointed at the back of Maddy's head.

"And look at this. Mel" Brooke said as she grabbed Tracy's arm.

"Don't you dare! No!" Tracy screamed, trying to pull away from the grip, "Please!"

"What the fuck Evie?" Maddy said to her and Evie looked away, "I thought you had a heart but you're such a jealous bitch, ruin everyone else's lives why don't you"

"Get your hands off of her!" Mel said but Brooke carried on.

"She cuts"

Tracy cried and Mel moved away in disbelief.

"It's none of your business you fucking Frankenstein!" Tracy screamed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you ugly cunt!" Maddy screamed as she punched Brooke in the nose making the woman stumble back.

Brooke tried to walk over to her but Evie stopped her.

"That's enough! You need to get out!" Mel shouted.

"Honey, come on" Brooke said to Evie as she pulled her out.

"Get out!" Mel shouted.

"Who would wanna be in this shit hole anyways?" Evie said, "It fucking stinks in here Mel!"

"Oh you didn't you fucking freak!" Maddy shouted as she pulled Evie's hair and kneed her in the back before slapping her face, "Now get the fuck out!"

Maddy left Tracy and Mel in the kitchen by themselves to talk or think. She didn't know but she was scared.

She left the house and wrote a note to Mel saying to call her if she was allowed to come back and talk. Maddy walked home and let herself through the door.


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