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Winter break is finally here and Maya couldn't be happier. This semester felt like it was one of the longest semesters of her life.

So much has changed since the semester started. Everything that happened in four months was things that Maya never expected to ever happen. 

All the changes were good, but she was not expecting any of what happened to happen. 

Maya woke up Saturday morning, feeling exhausted.

She turned onto her side and picked up her phone from her nightstand.

It was nearly 9 a.m.

She yawned as she unlocked her phone and checked her texts and her social media accounts before getting out of bed to get ready for the day.

She went to get coffee and drove back home.

She watched through the video she finished editing the day before and wanted to make sure that it was good and to make final edits before uploading the video on YouTube.

Maya still doesn't have an upload schedule yet. 

She had an idea of when she was going to upload videos, but it was a struggle to get them uploaded.

Just when the video was uploaded, Peter came into her room asking her to take him to Starbucks for hot chocolate, which she did.

"Can you take me to Auggie's house?" Peter asked as they got to the Starbucks parking lot.

"What did Mom and Dad say?" Maya asked.

"They said I can, but you would have to take me," Peter said.

"Okay," Maya said.

She didn't mind taking Peter, but there were times when she wished her parents would be the ones to take him places and not her.

They bought a drink for Auggie since Peter was going over. 

After dropping Peter at Auggie's house then went back home.

Ty came over, where they hung out.

They were in the basement.

They put on a movie for background noise as they talked and laughed.

Chase and Madison came over two hours later.

"Where's Peter?" Ty wondered.

"Oh, he's at a friends house," Maya said.

Right at that moment, Maya's phone started ringing, her mother calling.

"My mom is calling, hold on," Maya said as she picked up her phone and answering the phone call. "Hello?



"I need you to pick up Peter later," her mother said, "and make sure to make him dinner."

"Okay," Maya said.

"Great, thank you," she said.

"Mom, where are you?" Maya asked.

"Dad and I are running errands," she said. "And we were invited to dinner by a few friends. We'll be home late."


"See you soon."

"Alright," Maya said. "Bye."


Maya hung up the phone.

"I'll need to get Peter later," Maya said. 

They nodded and said okay.

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