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Maya woke up pretty late in the morning and she went downstairs to eat breakfast.

She took a deep breath as she walked down the stairs as she texted Mason and Madison.

"Morning, Maya," her father said.

"Morning," she said, tiredly.

"How was your day yesterday?" her mother asked.

"Fine," she said.

"What did you do?" her mother asked as Maya sat down and pulled the plate of eggs closer to her.

"Um, I was with a friend," Maya said.

"Really? What did you do?" her father said, leaning forward on the table.

"Um, we drove around LA, had lunch," Maya shrugged. "We just hung out together. That's all."

"What time did you get home?"

"Um, I don't remember," Maya lied. "I wasn't paying attention to the time."

"We tried calling you," her father said.

"And texting you," her mother added.

"Sorry," Maya apologized. "I had my phone on silent and wasn't really using it."

"Why didn't you tell us you were getting home late?" her father asked.

"I did!" Maya said. "I told you I was getting home late after I picked up my friend."

"Oh, she did," her father remembered.

"Oh, right," her mother said, now remembering as well. "But you could've given us updates."

"I know," Maya said, "and I'm sorry. Are you done interrogating me?" she raised her eyebrows.

Her parents looked at each other for a moment before leaving Maya to eat breakfast.

Maya picked up Ty from his house to get coffee.

"What did your parents say?" Maya asked Ty when he got into his car.

"They didn't say anything," Ty said as he put on his seatbelt. "They just said to give them updates next time. What about your parents?"

"Same thing," Maya said, starting the engine. "They just said to give them updates the next time I disappear like that agin."

Ty smiled a little.

They drove to Starbucks and got out of the car.

They ordered their coffee and got a table and waited for their coffee to be remember.

"Yesterday was fun though," Maya said.

"Yeah, it was," Ty smiled. "We should do this again."

"Yeah, we should," Maya said, smiling as well.

Ty took a deep breath.

"Have you been talking to that guy Jack?" Ty asked. "The guy from the baseball game?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Maya shrugged. "I've just been busy."

"With what?" Ty asked, curiously.

"With you, school, my friends and family," Maya shrugged.

Ty's lips twitched slightly.

When May and Ty got their coffee, they ended up driving around LA for a while before they headed over to Ty's house.

They both worked on their homework for the following day, which was Monday.

"Do you know where you're going?" Ty asked. "For college?"

"I don't know," Maya shrugged. "I'm just applying to colleges and see which colleges and universities accept me."

Ty nodded.

"Do you know what you're going to do?"

"Um, I was thinking... English Literature and maybe Business?" she said. "I'm not sure. Depending on the universities, I'm applying as either a business or english major."

Ty nodded. "Why not major in one and minor in one?" he suggested. "That way you can do both. Or major in both."

"Yeah, no, I'll lose my mind if I majored in both," Maya said. "But majoring in one and minoring in the other is a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?"

Ty smiled.

"I've got time to change which major I wanna do," Maya said.

They finished their homework and Maya said goodbye to Ty and dropped her backpack at home and headed over to Madison's house, where she spent the rest of the day at.

They finished their homework and Maya said goodbye to Ty and dropped her backpack at home and headed over to Madison's house, where she spent the rest of the day at

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darthsimpkins, petertaylor and 14,387

mayataylor no caption needed
photo creds: darthsimpkins

user ❤️

user wish I was Maya 😩

mross I - 💀
mross you give ty photo creds but never me??
mross I see how it is 😤
mayataylor ask for photo creds when you take my pics
mross 😡😡

user damn ty and his photography skills

darthsimpkins your welcome everyone for the pictures 😎
petertaylor hey! I thought I was the only one who would take your pictures!
mayataylor dona worry Peter ty wont replace you
petertaylor good
darthsimpkins watch out Peter im coming for your job!
petertaylor try I dare you!

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