Twenty Two

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Maya walked out of the house to get the mail. She opened the mailbox to see several envelopes, she assumed were bills for her parents or Peter was being payed for some commercial or role he had taken and companies promoting their products.

She headed back into the house and checked each envelope to see who it was addressed too. One, to her surprise, was addressed to her. It was her check from converse. Converse had reached out to her to promote their work, seeing her following on Instagram, and they had sent her the check.

She smiled as she took the bills anything that was addressed to Peter to her dad's office in the house for him to sort through.

Maya quickly grabbed her car keys, wallet and phone and headed to the bank to deposit it into her bank account. That's how she made most of her money, through companies reaching out to her and asking her to promote their work. 

She doesn't accept all offers, but she has accepted a good amount and made decent money, money that she was saving up for college. Some of the money she made were made through cameos in Peter's movies and shows as well as babysitting.

She also had a few short lived jobs where she worked as a barista for a year before quitting, at restaurant for a few months, and during the summer, she would work at a country club not to far, again as a waitress. 

Seeing that she was a senior in college, she found herself being desperate for work and needing to save up. She had applied to a few jobs but not much luck. 

That's what she thought until she got home from the bank to see she heard back from the movie theater she had applied to.

Maya loved movies. She loved going to the movie theater with her friends and family to watch anything. 

Saying that Maya was excited was an understatement. She was thrilled to see that the movie theater she applied to work had asked her to come in Monday after she's done with school for the interview. She just had to let them know what type she's done with school to decide on an exact type.

Maya instantly responded, letting them know she's interested and she's done with school at 2:45.

Now all she had to do was wait for them to answer back and decide on a time.


Friday afternoon rolled around and Maya, Mason and Madison went to pick up Ty and Peter from their school and headed over to Chase's school. To their surprise, Chase's school wasn't too far off.

It was ten minutes away from Ty's school.

Madison got out from the front passenger seat and squeezed in the back with Mason, Ty and Peter.

"Please, tell me we're not going to be like this the entire time," Peter begged.

"Oh, it's going to be like that until we drop you off at Michael's house," Maya said.

"Ugh," Peter said.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad," Ty smiled. "So what? There isn't a lot of space. It's going to be okay."

Peter shock his head at Ty. 

"Trust me, Ty," Peter said, "you'll end up wanting to rip your hair out if you sit like this for too long."

"Alright, Peter has to sit in one of our laps," Madison said.

"He's not sitting on mines," Ty shock his head.

"Me neither," Mason said. "I don't need to remind anyone that I'm not that big."

"Oh, so he's suppose to sit on my lap?" Madison asked.

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