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whats up?

nothing much

how was that movie
you went to with your

you really should see it!

watch me sneak into
a star is born

youre seventeen right?


I think they might let you
in seeing youre like a year
away from turning 18

true lol
wanna come
with me?

lets go

I'll book the tickets!

then im buying the snacks

okay cool
when do you wanna
see it??

um Saturday?

I'll look at the times
theyre playing the movie
at 12:25, 1:30, 4:45 and 6:15


okay cool

I'll meet you there

cant wait to meet you!


Maya set her phone down after talking to Ty.

Her mom called her to come down for dinner.

She left her room and wend down stairs to have dinner with her parents and brother.

"How were your days?" Maya's father said.

"Alright," Maya shrugged.

"Good," Peter said.

"What did you do today?" her mother asked.

Peter began telling them about his day with his friends and Maya just focused on her dinner as Peter rambled on.

Once he was done, Maya's parents looked at her.

"Maya?" her father said.

"Oh, I went to the movies with my friends," she said. "It was good."

Her parents smiled.

"Oh, Peter, I got an email about that callback you went in for a couple of days ago," her father said.

"Really?" Peter said. "What did they say?"

"They want you for the role," he said.

"Really?" Peter said, excitedly.

He nodded. "Yeah. They start filming in two weeks. What do you say?"

"I wanna be in the movie!" Peter said, excitedly. "Say yes! Tell them I wanna be in the movie!"

Maya smiled at her brothers excitement.

After dinner, Maya and Peter retreated to their bedrooms.

Maya spent the rest of the night on Netflix.

The following day, Maya and Peter went to Starbucks and got coffee and a frappuccino and headed home to have breakfast.

Their parents made them eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Maya and Peter set their parents coffee on the dining table and waited for their parents to finish breakfast.

After breakfast, Maya went up to her room.

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