Twenty Three

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It was nearly Halloween and Maya and her friends made plans to go to a haunter house on Halloween night. As expected, the group couldn't stay out too late due to Halloween being on a school night.

One of Chase's friends was throwing a Halloween party on Friday the week of Halloween and Chase had invited the group to the party and informed them to where costumes to the party.

After Maya got home from school, she began working on homework and either responding to emails from brands that want to work with her or emailing her teachers questions she had about the homework they assigned that day or the previous day.

When she was done, she picked up her phone and checked her texts and her social media accounts before getting up and leaving the house.

She got into the car and drove to a nearby deli to get a sandwich for dinner. 

She saw several students from her high school in the area, talking and laughing and all Maya wanted was to drive away and not to be seen by them. She quickly put the hoodie she left in her car on and pulled the hood up to her head.

She knew her classmates would recognize her, but she hoped they wouldn't notice her and strike up a conversation with her. 

Maya pulled out her phone and checked her messages. Ty had sent her a few texts.

A smile appeared on her face seeing Ty's name on her screen. She couldn't help but feel something in her stomach. What was that feeling, she doesn't know.

Ty 'the Dinosaur Mechanic' Simpkins

Hey Maya

whatcha doing??

I just got to the deli close to my house

getting dinner


I should've known you were 

getting a sandwich

im really hungry

I can come and get you


you're already there I dont want you to come 

all this way when you're already there

its fine

im going back to pick you up


read at 6:57

alright Ty

im outside your house

read at 6:58


im coming out

just give a sec I just need to wear my shoes


Maya set her phone down and patiently waited for Ty to come out.

A smile appeared on her face when she saw Ty walking out of his house.

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