Forty Seven

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Spring break rolled around and Maya spent the entire break with her friends. 

On their first full day of break, Maya and her friends went to Disneyland. 

They got up early to get there as soon as the park opened. They wanted to make the most of their day.

They invited Rachel to come with them to Disneyland, and she accepted the invitation.

Maya decided to vlog her and her friends' trip to Disneyland.

"Where's Madison?" Ty asked as they entered the pack. "I haven't seen her in a while."

"We don't know what's been going on with her," Mason shrugged. "She's been pretending we don't exist."

"Oh," Ty said. "What... how..."

"She just started hanging out with her other friends," Maya said.

"And then she stopped hanging out with us," Mason said. "We didn't mind her hanging out with them, but... it's the fact that she just straight up ditched us."

"We don't know why, but..." Maya's voice trailed off.

"Have you heard anything?" Mason asked Rachel.

"No," Rachel shook her head. "I haven't."

Mason nodded.

With that, the conversation about Madison ended and they began to plan where to go. 

They checked the Disneyland park app to see which lines were the longest and where to go.

They spent the entire day at Disneyland.

As soon as it hit 2 PM, they went to California Adventure and spent the rest of the day there.

Around 8 PM, they went back to the park and walked around and bought a few things.

They did everything that they wanted to do. The next thing they wanted to do was see the fireworks and that wasn't until 9 PM.

Since they had another hour until the fireworks, they sat at a table in one of the restaurants until it was time to go to Cinderella's Castle to see the fireworks.

After the fireworks, Maya dropped everyone off. Ty was the last one she dropped off.

Like every other time, she and Ty just wanted some alone time after hanging out with their friends.

Both Mason and Rachel knew that they were dating. They promised that they wouldn't tell anyone about their relationship to anyone until they were ready.

Ty had his hand on Maya's thigh the entire ride to his house after dropping Rachel home.

It was past midnight when they got to Ty's house.

Maya intentionally took the longest route and would take wrong turns just so Ty wouldn't leave just yet. She didn't have to say this for Ty to know.

When they finally got to Ty's house, Maya and Ty looked at each other.

"I'm going to come and get you tomorrow morning," Maya said. "You're coming over."

Ty smiled. "Alright. Will your parents be home?"

"No," Maya shook her head.

Ty leaned over and gave her a long kiss.

Maya didn't want it to stop.

The light in the house opened and they broke apart.

It was Ty's mom.

"I have to go," Ty said.


Ty kissed her on the cheek and got out of the car.

Sunday morning, Maya picked up Ty from his house.

They went to a local coffee shop and ordered their coffee.

They drank their drinks in Maya's car.

They headed to pick up Rachel.

Rachel said she had been wanting to go to the mall for a while but never did and since Maya didn't have that much planned said she would go with Rachel. Since Maya was going, Ty said he would come with them.

The trio spent most of the afternoon at the mall. Rather than eat lunch at the mall, Rachel invited them over.

Maya and Ty left their stuff in Maya's car. 

They had lunch at Rachel's house and hung out with her there until it was time to go.

The rest of spring break went by like a blink of an eye.

Maya spent it all hanging out with her friends. 

They also went to Universal Studios seeing that they had a whole week off. 

This was something that the group had planned. 

Rachel was an unplanned, but nice, addition to the group. Her joining them was last minute but they didn't mind.

Everyone Maya introduced to Rachel said the same thing about Rachel: how cool she was. 

When spring break came to an end, Maya realized how much fun she had with them.

Not only that, but she also realized how little she and Peter saw their parents. She can barely remember when was the last night they had family dinner together or the last time they spent time together.

Maya wondered.... so many questions and thoughts went through Maya's head thinking about her parents.

It seemed like as soon as Maya turned eighteen, she and Peter were seeing their parents less and less. 

Where were they going? Are they okay? Why are they gone so often? What was happening?

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