Chapter 8 - Interlude

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??? POV

I watched as they held hands in his pocket.

It crushed my soul deeply and the sight of it only hurt and angered me more.

She just met this boy a week ago. How could she have fallen for him so quickly? Was she drugged?

It wasn't right, nor was it making any sense. She should've been mine.

I needed to find a loophole fast, another way, another solution.

And fortunately for me..I have just the right idea.

I'm going to need the help of others. I can't do this by myself.

I zoomed out of my phone's camera from spying on them behind the tree. I received a text from Khalid that read "you hanging out with us today or nah?"

I replied with "yeah. give me 10 minutes." and turned off my phone.

How you have fallen for easy bait, my friend, for I now know where you reside, Green.

I stood up from my crouched position behind said tree, and started to walk the opposite way they were walking to into town to meet up with Khalid.

My story's not done yet, Green, but yours and Sienna's is.


Authors Note: 

A rough draft of the plot has just been finished recently (as of 09.04.2023 [MM.DD.YYYY]) as of 2 days ago. All that's left is actually writing it and revising it and fitting it all before the time frame and chapter frame of 13-16 chapters.

Which means yes, this story is coming to a close soon. 

At the rate I'm going at currently, I expect to finish this book in late December. Chapter 9 is so close to being finished (roughly 85% complete) and I expect to publish it either tomorrow or on the 6th. 

Now, I know I'm getting chapters out very fast, but that doesn't mean I don't check for errors or parts that simply don't make sense. I always prioritize quality instead of quantity or speed. 

That's all she wrote folks, Chapter 9 out very, very soon. :)

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