Chapter 11

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Sienna POV

I turned off my phone after texting Green where I was going and began to get ready.

I haven't hung out with my friends outside of school in quite the while, and I was pretty excited to see them.

I wore a casual outfit, something I would wear if I were to hang out with Green.

We were going into town to get something to eat, so I purposefully haven't eaten anything in a few hours so I don't get full over there.

All my friends were going, but unfortunately Jake was going.

Ever since that incident between Green and Jake on Green's first day, I haven't looked at him in the same way.

Especially after he told me that he had a crush on me and was going to ask me out, that disgusted me.

Anyways, the people that were going were my friends like Lenia, Cali, and Michaela, and then Lenia and Michaela's boyfriends Khalid and Steven.

I'm chill with their boyfriends, and they're chill with me. Every now and then they can get a little annoying by telling me to give Jake a "chance" but I just don't see anything serious happening between me and him.

I finished putting on my hoodie and doing my skincare when I received a text from Lenia on my phone.

She asked to start walking over into town and to meet by the Cafe.

I responded with a thumbs-up emoticon and began to walk

The Cafe was one of my favorite spots in town because the food there was already really good as well as the drinks. It's also a really great hang out spot for whenever you're with friends.

I've also been there since I was really young and little and it brings a lot of memories to me whenever I pass by or go into the place.

Town wasn't that far of a walk from my house, so it was a more-enjoyable walk rather than a tiring one.

After a few minutes, I finally saw the bright lights of town, but those bright lights didn't help shear away the coldness the air brought. I should've brought another hoodie to wear.

It was very cold.

I saw the Cafe from where I was standing from and began to walk in its general direction. After about a minute or two of walking, I opened the door and entered the Cafe to see most of my friends talking and laughing with each other.

"Hey guys!" I said to them.

Most of them waved or said 'hi' back to me. A few other people were missing though.

"Where's Michaela, Steven, and Jake?" As much as I didn't want to say that last name, I had to hide the fact that I didn't like him and pretend that I was one of his 'friends.'

"Michaela and Steven said they were going to run a little late, and only God knows where Jake is." Lenia said to me.

Hopefully he gets lost or something. I thought to myself.

"Oh okay," I said as I sat myself down next to Lenia.

A few more conversations passed by, when we all heard the ringing noise of the door opening. To my sight, it was Michaela and Steven, hand in hand.

"Sorry!! We didn't know what time it was." Michaela said, awkwardly smiling."

"Y-yeah, for sure." Steven added, rubbing his hand behind his head.

Lenia laughed a little bit before speaking, "at least you guys are here now, we're just waiting on your little friend before we can go walk around and have fun." As she finished her sentence, she glared at Steven.

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