Chapter 10

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Friday, February 23rd, 20??

Jake POV

The plan was simple. Gain intel on what he does, where he goes, who he hangs out with, and at what time he is alone.

We obviously already know who he hangs it out with, and that is the girl of my dreams.

I knew where he roughly lived, not exactly, but a good setting point.

If I followed him any further, I would've gotten caught, and I can't beat him 1 on 1.

After this, it's laying low again. I might've revealed a few things when I went up to him earlier this week, but nonetheless knowing where he roughly lives for a little over a month now should do the trick.

Next on the agenda is who he hangs out with. I need to know if he hangs out with people that aren't Sienna that may be a thorn in my plan.

Me and Sienna haven't spoken in quite a while, I attempt to say 'hi' to her in the halls, but unfortunately she's always with that dork.

I don't think Sienna meant the rejection, I simply believe she only said that to make me mad in front of Green.

Nonetheless, that's not gonna change or stop me from making her my girlfriend.

Nothing will.

Throughout the school day, I kept thinking about how I'm gonna pull this off. All I needed was to fill one check, and that's where he goes if he isn't going home.

I assume he's alone most of the day when he's not with Sienna, but I still need to double-check.

I know he talks with Lenia sometimes, as well as Cali. He only knows both of them because they're friends with Sienna.

Khalid is one of, if not my closest friend, so if Lenia tries ratting him out to Sienna, to which she's gonna tell Green, he'll let me know.

I've seen Steven and Michaela talk to Green maybe once, and that's because Sienna forced Green to get to know them. Same thing. Steven was iffy with him while Michaela and him hit it off.

Imagine he steals Steven's piece, too? How funny would that be.

Lunch came around, and I walked downstairs and into the cafeteria. I met up with my other friends and discussed it with them.

Some more associations are going to be needed, at least 1 or 2 more.

They do this every time, Sienna and Green usually just walk around with the ability of Green getting to know more people over time, from what it looks, Green seems to be very outgoing, and he sits with Sienna, Lenia, Michaela, Cali, and a few other guys that he seems to be chill with from class.

One of those guys that I know is named Erik.

Me and my group used to be friends with him, but he betrayed us and we haven't been on speaking terms since.

I guess Erik hangs out with all of them now including Green, how great.

Green and Sienna sat down across from us throughout the cafeteria.

I chuckled to myself, I'm really a mother-fucking genius.

Green POV

I suppose I'm at fault for not introducing a few more people in my life and to you guys.

My closest friend that isn't Sienna is a boy named Erik.

He seemed cool when Sienna introduced him to me, and we hit it off between each other. We both shared many common interests as well as both liking the sport of soccer.

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