Chapter 12

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Green POV

So I guess I was right to have that suspicious feeling. At least so far I think, I mean, why else would she ask me to come meet up with her this late at some cafe..

..especially after hanging out with that Jake guy.

I walked relatively quickly as it was freezing that night and I only brought a light hoodie, thinking it would be slightly warmer. I mean, we were about to enter the month of March, and I really did expect it to start getting a little bit warmer.

From a distance I saw the lights that illuminated all of downtown. It looked pretty neat when it was surrounded by nothing but darkness.

I finally made it into town and headed into the direction of that cafe that Sienna told me to go meet her up at. Even with it being late, the streets and sidewalks were populated.

After a relatively quick and short walk I made it to the cafe, and soon enough, I saw her there by herself, it looked as if she had been crying.

She had her hood on and her eyes looked red.

I went up to her and spoke up;

"What's up? Are you alright?"

"No it's fucking Jake! I hate him.." She paused to sniff her nose, "..I hate him so much! He's such a dick.." She ended as another tear fell down her eye.

She got up from her seat and leapt into me. I obviously hugged her back.

"What'd he do?" I asked her as I held her in my arms.

She looked up at me from our embrace and said, "can we go to your house and talk about it?"

I stared at her in a confused manner but nodded my head, "you really made me walk all this way.." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry." She said, I could tell she didn't know I was being sarcastic. It was best I didn't joke around with her right now.

"No, it's fine. I was just kidding..I just wanna know what's up with you." I clarified.

She smiled at me as I let go of our hug, we walked out of the cafe and headed back in the direction of my place. The air had cooled down, and it wasn't as bad, but it was still freezing.

On the way back. Sienna interlaced her hand with mine, and it wasn't even a surprise to me anymore. She talked to me about how much she missed me while she was out with them, how Jake is such an asshole, and how she still only wants me, and no one else.

I still didn't believe it, but everyday I question myself on whether she is saying the truth or not, but as every passing day moves on, the eagerness of actually wanting her back and starting something with her increases.

Even in the bitter coldness, the flame inside me when it came to being with Sienna raged on, and from what I see, there is no ice bucket to put it out.

Lenia POV

"So you asked her why you two aren't dating and that's what led to all of this?" I asked Jake.

Jake coughed before speaking, "uh-huh."

"And you're upset at her for saying no..even though she already told you her answer before?" I replied back.

"It's not even that," he said in a blunt manner, "it's just the fact that she's all up in this Green dude that she's known for maybe a month, and she just treats me like a ghost even though we've known each other for pretty much our whole life."

He continued, "it just doesn't make sense to me. What does he have that I don't?"

"I really couldn't tell ya man." Steven said to Jake as he put his hand on his shoulder.

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