Chapter 9

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Tuesday, February 20th, 20??

Green POV

Time has been flying by relatively fast. A little over a month has passed since I've spoken with you. (A/N oops)

The days are lasting longer, and the weather is gradually becoming more pleasant.

A new quarter has started in school, and with that I expected to learn something new in the classes I was placed in, but unfortunately nothing new has come my way yet, so school has been relatively laid back.

The science project that me and Sienna worked on around a month ago finally came back, and we both got an A+ on it.

I was humble about the grade, but Sienna couldn't keep her mouth shut and flexed in front of our whole chemistry class and even to some of her friends.

Over time, I began to speak to some of her friends, or I mean introduce myself. I only speak to them when she's around and when she's not around I don't really pay attention to them.

The blonde one's name was Cali and the bleached hair one was called Lenia.

I've met Lenia's boyfriend, too. His name was Khalid, he seemed pretty weird whenever he was forced to talk to me.

Something was off about that kid.

I walked into algebra and sat in the back by myself as usual with music on. The teacher rarely called on me and I didn't really care. On rare occasions where she would, I would get the answer right.

Sienna sat next to her friends during algebra but she would always seem to make an attempt to come talk to me by pretending to throw something out or get something from the back. I mean it did work, most of the time.

However today was different, I didn't spot the beautiful blonde in front of me.

I looked around me and realized that Sienna wasn't here. I didn't think much of it until about 15 minutes into class when I realized she still wasn't here.

I decided to shoot her a message because of her absence.

Green: hey where r u

Sienna: i'm sick bb

Green: bruh

Green: ill stop by later if you don't mind

Sienna: :) i would like that

Sienna: ill cu later x

Green: bye

I turned off my phone and kept vibing to my music.

Time passed by relatively slowly for some reason, and nearing the end of class, one of Sienna's friends, Lenia, came up to me.

"Sienna's told me some things about you." She said to me.

"Okay..?" I responded to her statement.

"She seems pretty interested in you," she continued, "she doesn't stop talking about you."

I grinned at the thought of her talking about me inside of my head.

"What about it?" I asked Lenia.

"There's nothing about it. Don't take offense, but I just find it weird that she's trying to get with you instead of some boy that she's known for a long time." She paused, then continued, "do you know Jake?"

"Oh yeah, that kid tried pressing me when he saw me talk to Sienna and it didn't end that well for him." I rubbed my hand on the back of my hand in nervousness.

Lenia laughed for a moment then continued, "yeah well, I just want you to be careful. You obviously have spoken to my boyfriend Khalid, and well.. It seems like him and Jake are hiding something from me, and something in my mind tells me that it's about you." She finished her sentence in a kind of worried manner.

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