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They both sat next to each other on the bench, watching the wildlife of the lake and terrain interact within one another.

Hand in hand, without a single worry or care for the world at the moment, enjoying the prime of life to its fullest.

The Spring-Sun shone throughout the lake, sparking the deep and dark blues of the lake. The leaves of the trees glowing a majestical green while following in the direction of the light breeze that signified the end of Winter.

Although all may seem well, there were still many lies and truths that have not been confronted.

Tragedy and loss, truth and lie, trust and love, many things that were yet to be confronted by one of the parties in this relationship.

It didn't matter at the moment, all that mattered was that they both had each other. As she laid her head on his shoulder, the most comfortable part of his body, while he hugged her waist with his arm and hand.

In a moment of synchronization, they both looked at each other, and just smiled. Both of their eyes glowing alongside the Sun.

"My Love.." The blonde told him.

"My Darkness.." He replied back.

The once-emotionless shell of a boy who ventured into a new chapter in his life, now exploded into a million pieces, that boy is not the same as to who he is today.

They stayed staring at each other, until..

..they both kissed each other, with the Sun as a background portrait, signifying the end of this chapter for him and her, and the start of a new story and beginning for the two of them..

..into adulthood. 



Author's Note

Holy shit!! I can't believe I finally finished this project. I want to thank everybody who stayed supported/with me as well as read the chapters this whole time.

It should not have taken me one and a half years to finish this, but here we are. I can't wait to show you guys what I have in store for the sequel, "The Everlasting Journey of Finding Yourself." 

As mentioned in a previous chapter, I am going to step away from writing that book for a while, I don't think I am going to start production/writing on that until late April or early May. This project was a big weight lifted off of my shoulders, because now I finally have more free time to do other projects I've been wanting to do that aren't writer related.

For some of you that like stats, the total word count for this whole story was around 51000+ words, and the longest chapter was the finale, Chapter 17 at 4300+ words.

The shortest chapter was I think Chapter 5, which only ranged around 2400+ words.

As previously mentioned and once again, as a token of my appreciation, I thank you (the reader) as well as everybody else that stuck with me. 

I'm not good with dates, but..if I were to time myself, I think I will start writing sometime again between April 29th to May 12th. In that time frame you can expect the first and potentially second chapter of the new book.

Apart from that, it's until next time folks, which I don't know when that would be..I will be back to write the sequel. I hope you guys have a very great rest of your winters, semesters, jobs, or whatever you might occupy yourself with..

Thank you again!!! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did!! Have a great day!

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