Song Of Ice And Fire

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A/N:The long-awaited wedding. Again, smut towards the end. Make sure to comment and vote.


Cregan POV

Helaena Targaryen walked down the aisle of the grand Sept of Remembrance, resplendent in a gown of shimmering silver, with vibrant forest green and embroidered ravens, spiders and Dreamfyre and Ragnar.

Cregan Stark stood at the altar, his heart pounding in his chest. His rugged features softened, revealing a mix of awe, nervousness, and profound love.

Fine. He was fighting against the desire to weep like a babe. He had a reputation to uphold.

And not get too aroused in front of half the Realm. He also had a reputation to repudiate.

As his dragon princess drew closer, Cregan's gaze never wavered from her radiant presence. He watched the play of emotions on her face - the joy, the anticipation, and the hint of tears sparkling in her eyes.

In that moment, he understood the weight of the vows they were about to exchange, the commitment they were making not only to each other but to the powerful forces that united their houses.

When Helaena reached his side, their hands gently clasped, Cregan could feel the warmth of her touch, a grounding force that steadied his nerves.

She was always so warm. Bubbly and a ray of sunshine aside. Her body heat was abnormal. He never much cared for the Capital's weather. But he'd gladly melt from her scorching star if it meant being in her vicinity just a moment longer.

The sept seemed to fade away, the world narrowing down to just the two of them standing in a cocoon of love and devotion.

As the High Septon's voice reverberated through the hallowed space, Cregan's attention was drawn to the solemnity of the moment.

He listened intently to the sacred words, each one etching itself into his heart, resolute and unwavering.

The Southern faith was strange and foreign. A mosaic he didn't care enough to solve or even attempt to understand.

Standing here now with Helaena. Bran and Ned and Lord Manderly and his heir alongside the rest of his household guards among the numerous guests. Frozen fish out of the water. Except for the merman mayhaps.

He acknowledges the truth and sanctity of this event more than any other in his life.

The High Septon asks for his vows and he responds without hesitation.

"I, Cregan of House Stark, take you, Helaena of House Targaryen, to be my wife. I pledge to honor and protect you, to be your shield against any harm. I vow to cherish you, in times of joy and sorrow, and to hold you close in my heart through every challenge we may face. I promise to be faithful, to support you in your dreams, and to stand beside you as we build a life of love and unity. From this day forward, you will never walk alone, for we stand as one."

Helaena's eye sparkled in adoration as she said her own vows.
"I, Helaena of House Targaryen, take you, Cregan of House Stark, to be my husband. I vow to love and respect you, to be your partner in all things. I promise to stand by your side, to share in your triumphs and failures, and to lend you strength when you need it most. I pledge my loyalty and trust, to be your constant companion and to walk with you through all the journeys of our lives. I bind my heart to yours, and together, we shall face whatever comes our way."

Their words encapsulate the essence of their commitment to one another, emphasizing their unwavering support, love, and the unity they seek to forge as they embark on their journey as husband and wife.

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