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After princess ran away, wolf was now furious, he turns to the kids.

"Why would you say that to your sister" he growled.

"She's not my sister!" Jr. braked.

"Ok that is it, I had it with you kids always giving your sister a hard time, why can't you be more like Antonio at least he doesn't give your sister the cold shoulders"

"You should be grateful that your sister tries to defend you and what do you do" Diane says.

"That's Because she's not our real sister, she's just a orphan that you all took in, she's not even a bad guy" Vicky says.

"Ok, fine, until you start treating princess with respect and like she's your own sister, you kids are grounded from your birthday, none of you are gonna get a birthday"

They all grown and gaped that they won't celebrate their birthday, Antonio gasped.


"Oh no you Antonio, just them" webs says.

"You can do that" Vicky says.

"Oh but as the governor I can"

"No go, upstairs all of you, we'll decide your punishment later" wolf tells them.

Angry, he runs as the rest follows, slamming the door.

Wolf was frustrated as he sat on the couch, "I never had this trouble with princess"

"That's princess didn't have any siblings for any sibling rivalry"

"Well if she did, I doubt she would try anything stupid she's a sweet girl and I just wish the kids would be just like her"

"Don't you think that the kids are like this because you all spend more time with princess then you do with them"

"Diane, in a few years princess will be going to college, we want to be here for her as long as we want"

"And you have enough time but right now you have the kids too, don't you think they need to be included too"

"....right now, let's go find princess"

Meanwhile with princess, she ran out at night, hurt by what her siblings think of her, she ran to the park.

She sat on the park bench and cried, she dries her eyes, feeling sorrowful.

But then....

"Bon-Bon, say hi to our friends!"

"Huh?" She heard a voice.

"I-I know you're over there so-somewhere!"

She looks around in the trees and fog and in the dark to see who was speaking.


"I see you over there in the dark! Co-Come on out!"

"Who's there?"

She then heard the same sound of mechanical footprints approached her.

And out if the darkness as princess approached the thing, she was horrified to see that.

"Hey Bon-Bon, I think-think that's the birthday girl over there-ere. We should go give her a surprise!"

"Oh no...it's you, not you again"

"Well hello again!" She saw Funtime Freddy was there in person.

Princess was terrified that she started running, she heard him following her, calling out for her.

THE BAD GUYS IN: SECURITY BREACH RUINSWhere stories live. Discover now