Underneath Roxy raceway

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After a brief encounter with a giant version of the Entity, princess arrives at the salon area of Roxy Raceway, and it is here that she encounters Roxy, who is still on the hunt for them after they has have her eyes all those years ago.

She stopped in her steps causing everyone to freeze.

"What's wrong" asked wolf.

"It's Roxy" she whispered.

"What?" He peeks over to see Roxy in the mirror.

"You got to be kidding me" wolf groans.

"Poor Roxy" princess says.

"Poor roxy? Poor roxy? Did you forget what she tried to do to you" snake says.

But then roxy heard them.

"Whoa there? You can't hide forever"

"Oh no I think she spotted us" princess and the others crouched down.

"Alright no body panicked, she doesn't have her eyes so she can't see us" princess says.

"No...but she can hear us" snake pointed out.

"Then, we're just gonna have to be as quiet as possible" princess says.

It was at that moment that the Roxy-Talkie goes off with Gregory checking in on princess.

"Princess princess! Where are you!"

"No no no" princess panicked.

Roxy, hearing Gregory's voice, angrily charges out the door, and princess, now panicking, calls to Gregory to run.


"No, she's going after the kids, we got to help them" princess says, "Gregory you and Cassie need to start running. Roxy's after you. Are you there!"

"Princess we're ok. I found a spot for us to hide, turn off the nodes in the salon to follow Roxy hurry she's close"

"Alright alright just hang tight, I have to shut the nodes down to help them"

The bad guys follow her, "and we're coming with you" wolf said.

"No I don't want you or the kids to get hurt"

"We do this alone or we do this as a family"

"Alright but just please be careful"

Roxy is getting closer, "I got to get in there but how?"

But when she continues wolf noticed the scars, "hey, you got hurt didn't you?" He grabs her arm but she pulls away.

"I'm fine"

"Princess please. I just want to be sure that you're ok"

"It's really nothing wolf"

"Honey please, it could get infected"

Seeing his puppy eyes made her give in, "alright fine"

She sits down, shark comes over with the first aid kit and everyone gathered around her to treat her wounds.
Then she remembered she still had shark's jacket on.

"Hey shark, here? I thought I give this back"

"Keep it ok, you need it more then I do"

"I'll be fine shark, you need it"

"Alright but if you change your mind, it's right here"

"Come on, we should get going"

and this is made more difficult when Chica makes her presence known and is hunting for princess.

THE BAD GUYS IN: SECURITY BREACH RUINSWhere stories live. Discover now