Chapter 1

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Y/N = Your Name

I tossed and turned in my sleep, plagued by nightmares. Really bad ones that made me involuntarily cry. But I couldn't wake up.

And at the fringes of my nightmares, I kept seeing this black shape. It looked...sludgy, for lack of a better term. But...whenever I turned to look at it, it disappeared, reappearing at the edges of my dreaming vision.

I tried to speak, to beg the nightmares to stop, but I couldn't. And the shape...I could've sworn I saw a crooked grin at my terror.

Come on, wake the hell up! This is the worst nightmare I've ever had! Just wake up!!

I gripped my head in my nightmares, sinking to the ground. The shape came closer...and closer...yet still on the edges of my vision.

That's right, human...let the despair and terror flow through you...

I whipped around, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever was plaguing me. This thing, whatever it was, had to be what was keeping me asleep!

It frowned as I looked at it, though its grin reappeared as I stared in terror.

I may have been new to the Undertale AUs, but there was no doubt about who I was staring at.


Not just any Nightmare, either...

...this was Nightmare Sans.

Okay, think...what stops him??

Nightmare scowled, seemingly able to have heard my thoughts...and then shot a writhing tendril at me.

I tried to stand, to get away, but I found myself frozen as a purple heart blinked into existence.


Nightmare coiled the tendril around my soul which pulsed a horrid black color as he took control of it, lifting me into the air. I grimaced at the feeling. It was like my soul was being tugged away from me.

Your nightmares...your terror and is not something I have sensed in such a long~ time...

He seemed to grin wider as his voice echoed around. The nightmare I previously had faded as a void surrounded the two of us.

I still couldn't seem to speak, so I thought loudly.

Nightmare chuckled but didn't reply.

This was a terrible, horrible dream...


I thought hard about the things I loved, the people I cared for, and how I would do anything to protect them.


A mystical arrow seemed to shoot from nowhere as it impaled Nightmare. He shuddered some and his tendril released its hold on my soul. My soul blinked out of existence again as we were "no longer in combat," or something like that.

I gasped for breath, not realizing I'd been holding it.

Nightmare turned angrily towards the origin of the arrow and flared up into an even more terrifying form. LEAVE ME ALONE!! WHY MUST YOU INSIST ON BOTHERING ME?!

I clutched my chest, looking toward where the arrow had been shot from. A much brighter-looking Sans, Dream Sans, materialized into the void.

"You are not supposed to be messing with the humans of this world. LEAVE."

Although Nightmare's back was to me, I could feel the widening, horrifying grin that appeared as his face seemed to split further. You're WEAK here. This one's positive feelings won't be enough to stop me. I'LL BE BACK.

Nightmare then stretched upwards into a spire of sludge before disappearing into the ground of the void.

I shivered, the positive feelings I had tried to pull up fading.

Dream looked at me sadly. "Stay positive, Y/N. If you do, he can't come back. Or at least...I can come back to stop him as much as I can."

How...are they real...? They're just...figments of an entire fandom's imagination...

Dream smiled. "That's what makes us real, although...this world should've been unaffected by us as there are no monsters..."

He started to mumble, although, in this void, it seemed to echo. "I'll have to look into this with Ink..." Dream then disappeared and I finally woke up, dried tears on my face and pillow.

I shook my head, getting up and getting ready for the day.



*ahem* Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my story!  There are many Undertale fanfics out there on Wattpad, but you chose to read mine!  That's amazing!

I've got a fair chunk of story written out already, so hopefully I can update extremely regularly to keep you all entertained!


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