Chapter 38

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                             arms hurt.

Wait...why do my arms hurt?  And when did it get SO FREAKING BRIGHT that I could practically see through my eyelids?!

I twitched my head slightly, trying to force my eyes to open.  I managed, but just barely.  It was seriously really bright wherever the hell I was...





I had gotten so engrossed in my own little world (quite literally), that I'd forgotten what had been happening out here!

I grimaced some, my eyes barely adjusting to the bright light.  Why was it so bright...?

I couldn't bring my arms to my face to shield my eyes, either.  They were a bit...strung up, from what I could feel. would seem I was actually a bit strung up.  My wrists were chained above my head connecting to the ceiling.  My legs were free, but I was dangling a good foot off the ground.

I could feel panic rising within me, so I took a deep breath to try to calm myself.

...correction.  I TRIED to take a deep breath.  I couldn't get a full breath in without feeling completely constricted around my torso.  The hell?

I glanced down, barely able to see what with the bright light all around me.  There was some kind of metal...thing encircling my torso.  I could feel it going all the way around to my back, covering where the tendrils were supposed to be able to come out.

Uh oh.  Very uh oh.  Much uh oh that the panic actually grew stronger and I began hyperventilating slightly.  I clenched my hands into fists, trying to find some way to center myself from the panic attack that was slowly incoming.

Y/N?  Y/N, breathe.  Focus on my voice.  You're okay.  You're okay.

No I'm not no I'm not I'm back I'm here again I'm restrained and I can barely see---

Y/N!  Keep calm!  Hyperventilating will just make this worse!  Focus on me.  Focus on my voice.

I knew I was panicking at this point, but the rational part of me was getting buried beneath it.

My soul...well, actually, Night's soul...came out of my chest and the void appeared around us.  Night yelped as he phased out of me and fell to the ground.  Ow.

The void darkened the light quite a bit despite being a bright lavender void, so my eyes widened significantly, looking down at Night in terror.  I couldn't catch my breath to actually speak.  I started shaking with the terror I was feeling.

Y/N, look at me.  Look at me.  Not just at me, look at my eyes.  There you go.  You're okay.  You're okay, just breathe.  You've gotten out before, you can get out again.

I squeezed my eyes shut and started pulling at my arms, trying to do anything to the restraints.  Nothing was working, nothing was working!

Out of some hidden instinct, my tendrils started slithering their way out of my back to aid me.  But the action did not, in fact, aid me.

I shrieked in pain as electricity shot through my body, starting from my back and quickly going outwards.  Night jumped at my sudden shriek, trying to figure out why I had done so.  Hey, hey!  Whatever you just did, don't do that!  Y/N, please, focus on me!

My tendrils, as quickly as they had started coming out, went back into my back.  The shocks stopped and I hung my head, tears already streaming down my face and stinging me.  I could barely breathe from the panic and the pain and the constriction around my torso...

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