Chapter 34

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I awoke immediately after falling asleep. I blinked slowly, feeling rather fatigued.

Night came over, squatting down next to me as I blinked sleepily. You okay?

Not really... I mumbled. I think the tranquilizers are still in my system...

"Tranquilizers??" Dream exclaimed, somewhat snapped from his weak daze.

I used my kinda limp tendrils to push myself up into a sitting position, swaying pretty badly. I held my head, shaking it back and forth a bit. Ngh...God, did they HAVE to shoot me with so many...? I'm pretty sure just one of those would've knocked me out as a human...

"How badly did they shoot you exactly?"

I glanced over at Error. mind got a bit fuzzy after the 5th or 6th tranq.

Ink looked surprised. "I'm shocked that it affected you at all. Almost nothing knocked out Nightmare's corrupted form."

I shrugged. Might have to do with the fact that I'm still, in some capacity, human. And that I'm in that world rather than this one, although I'd recommend NOT trying to tranq me at all. Me being lucid may be pretty important.

"There goes my plans for the day." Killer commented, earning an irritated glare from me. He merely smirked.

"Anyway...Ink mentioned that a new AU was created. I'm guessing that was you?" Dream asked, looking curious.

I got a little self-conscious as everyone watched me with curiosity. Yeah...I don't know how much it'll help, but I did my best.

It was truly fascinating to watch a Creator at work, Y/N. Night said, grinning happily.

I was certain I was blushing at this point. Horror snickered at my expression. "It's very weird to see someone who looks kinda like the boss blushing."

I scowled faintly. Sh-Shut up.

The trio all began snickering, which irritated me, but I ignored the urge to say anything.

Ink looked at everyone. "Alright, let's go to the new AU! "

Ink painted the ground with a portal and jumped through. Night went over to Dream and helped him up, the two of them also hopping in.

I struggled to my feet, stumbling a bit before walking over, glancing at the rest of the Sanses. Ready, y'all?

The trio nodded, Error stood up with a huff, and Sans stopped leaning against the wall, walking over. "I guess so."

I stepped forward, looking to Error. Also, Error? Maybe don't destroy this AU right now? We do need their help.

Error rolled his eyes. "Whatever, fine. Don't think it'll stay very long once its usefulness is through, though."

That made me feel hurt for some reason, but I hid it easily enough. I guess I did create this AU I was about to jump into...

Anyway, I turned back to the paint on the ground and jumped through.

I saw Ink and Dream and Night standing nearby, waiting. Ink looked around excitedly while Dream seemed to be feeling better. I walked over to them as the other Sanses entered into the AU.

We appeared to be in a forest that vaguely reminded me of the original timeline. It had the same type of trees, anyway.

Dream straightened up, looking around. "There's a lot of happiness and contentment in the air..."

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