Chapter 37

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Consciousness was hard to regain after being tranqed with something that excessive.  Unfortunately, my consciousness was completely gone for my world as I felt sunlight shining on my face.  My fuzzy brain knew, at least, that it was nighttime in my world, so I could make that connection, thankfully.

I blinked my eyes open sleepily, wincing at the daylight.  I tried raising my arm to shield my face, but I only got it up about halfway before it became too heavy.  My arm flopped down into my lap.

This caught the attention of the nearby Sanses, and Night and Dream came over, kneeling by me.  "Hey, Y/N!"  Dream said cheerfully.

Mmm...hi...  I kinda made a mistake...following that light...

Night immediately became concerned.  Oh no...was it...?

I took a deep breath and let it out.  Yeah...

Dream looked confused.  "What was it?"

My eyes lazily traveled to Dream and I blinked, the tranq juice still heavy in my system.  May or may not...have looped around to the accident.

"Oh dear...are you okay?"

It's a struggle to...keep upright.  I...should be fine in a few minutes.  Has Ink gathered...everyone from the underground?

Dream nodded.  "Yeah.  They've been very patient considering their various negative traits.  Even King Asgore has been calm, albeit distant.  I'm not sure why, though."

"They're feeling a connection."  Sans said from somewhere nearby.  "The Sans here said as such."

I'd...forgotten Sans was here.  The original one.  I weakly turned my head, looking at him.  A connection?

Sans shrugged.  "I dunno."

"What's wrong with the human?"  Dust asked, coming over to join the party.

I just sighed.  Got hit with some...beefed up tranquilizers.  I'll be fine in...a bit.

"I thought you were running from the idiots in your world.  How did they find you?"

I grimaced. ended up finding them...

Dust facepalmed.  "I cannot believe you.  You have the powers of the boss and yet you end up in their hands again."

I scowled.  Sh-Shut up...

Killer shrugged from off to the side.  "Humans are weak.  What do you expect, Dusty?"

"Don't call me that."

Besides, "creepy Sans," I'm hardly...even human anymore.

Killer scowled at me.  "I have a name."

I narrowed my eyes.  Yet you haven't...used mine once.  So why should I use...yours?

"Can y'all not fight for 3 seconds?  Geez."

I glared at Ink.  Dream just sighed.  "Try to keep the peace, you guys.  There's enough negativity around as it is."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to settle the anger within.  I managed, but it felt unsettling to do so.

I shook my head and tried standing up.  I leaned against the tree behind me, trembling a little.  The tranq felt mostly gone, but it was clearly still present in my system.

Need help?  Night asked.

I glanced at him contemplatively before nodding lightly.  If you could help me over to Asgore, that'd be great.

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