Chapter 22

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It wasn't but mere moments later that I opened my eyes to darkness. Was I still in the throne room of Nightmare's place?

I blinked slowly, wincing as I wrapped my arms around myself. I felt cold...and...weightless?

I looked down to see myself floating, which startled me. I definitely didn't float in the other multiverse.

I looked around, trying to see anything other than darkness.


I jumped slightly, looking toward where the voice--Nightmare's voice--originated. He materialized in the darkness, although it was pretty hard to see him. Mostly just his glowing cyan eye was visible.

What...what's interesting? Where are we?

You tried to forcibly go to sleep, didn't you?


He chuckled. Very very really don't know how this works.

How...what works?

How the mind works. We're in your mind right now. Like an in-between for your world and mine.

The mind is still vastly unknown in my world, so you can't blame me for not knowing what's going on.

I could vaguely see movement behind Nightmare and realized he was summoning his tendrils, which made me tense up. You don't seem to realize the kind of mistake you just made. Well...a mistake for you, anyway.

Oh no... What did I do? What do you mean?

Forcibly going to sleep leaves your mind and susceptible to outside forces. You're neither in your world nor mine, so your mind is...let's say...ripe for the taking.

I shivered slightly. L-Leave me alone, Nightmare!

And what are you gonna do about this, hm? Now you get to see what it's like to be in the back of someone's mind.

He disappeared, and that made me panic. I looked around frantically before the right half of my vision became brighter.

"Oh, Y/N!'re awake? How?"

I realized that I could see Sam and the other doctor looking at me with confusion.

"I'm afraid little Y/N is...out of commission," My voice said.

"Huh?" The other doctor seemed even more confused, but Sam's eyes widened as she grabbed the other doctor and backed away. "H-Her's not supposed to be cyan..."

"An astute observation, human."

Nightmare, stop! I exclaimed.

Sam bit her lip and backed toward the door with the other doctor. "Y-You're Nightmare...what happened to Y/N?!"

Nightmare looked down at the arm with the needle and reached over carefully. I winced in pain as he moved my sprained arm and removed the needle with the anesthetic going through it. He tossed it to the side, ignoring the dribble of blood coming from the tiny wound. "It's strange having a more solid body..."

Sam cracked the door open and shoved the other doctor through the opening. "Guards! We need backup!"

Oh, great...Nightmare, I really don't want to be shot! Please, just let me out!

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. You are quite literally out of commission. That anesthetic knocked you out, so you're down for the count for quite a while...why not have a little fun at your expense?

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