Chapter 16

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I went to sleep the next night completely exhausted. It was amazing how many tests the doctors could fit into one day, and I was just glad it was over so I could rest.

At least, sort of rest, anyway...

As soon as sleep claimed me, I awoke in the same spot I had been in when I woke up from this world last time.

And Ink and Error were gone. how am I supposed to find them...?

I stood up, holding my neck lightly from the heaviness of the collar and chains. I looked around but only saw the carnage Error had wrought with the destruction of all the paper in the Doodle Sphere.

I looked around the platform I was standing on. It was rather small...not much I could do here.

I crossed my arms, tilting my head slightly. Now what am I supposed to do?

Should I go back to Nightmare and tell him what happened? Does he already know that the truce was probably just broken? Would he know that there isn't really a multiverse to rampage in anymore?

So many questions...

I sat back down, my arms still crossed as I pondered these questions more.

I shook my head slightly. I should just go back to Nightmare to tell him what happened since I'm not sure where Ink and Error are...

It wasn't hard to feel negative enough to get Nightmare back to where I was. I just had fears of Dream being hurt while I was missing.

It only took a few moments after the fact for Nightmare to appear next to me, his negative aura making me flinch. Took you long enough, human.

Well, sorry that I happened to wake up after you sent me out... I replied sarcastically, trying to hide my recent fear. Not that it worked in front of Nightmare.

I stood back up and brushed off my PJs. I'm pretty sure the truce was broken just before I got here. Ink and Error were fighting fiercely, can see what happened here yourself. I said, looking around at all the destroyed papers floating around. I don't know how much of a multiverse exists now that all this is destroyed. It might just be the main timeline left.

That's...bothersome. Nightmare muttered.

I crossed my arms once more, closing my eyes and looking down slightly. And far too helpful for XGaster...without other AUs, he has plenty of space for this "perfect world" or whatever. Error's an idiot...

I highly doubt he destroyed the entirety of the multiverse. He favors Outertale quite a lot. So much so that, prior to the truce, he forbade us from attacking there.

I looked over at Nightmare. Do you think he's there?

Whether he is there or not doesn't matter. What's done is done. Unless more AUs are created, now that the truce is broken, the only source of negativity I have is you.

I grimaced at that but ignored the question bubbling up in me in favor of another. Is Dream okay?

Nightmare rolled his eye. Last I saw, my stupid brother was fine. Weak, but fine. Though I can't say how he's been recently since I left him where he was when you left.

Are you saying you left him practically defenseless while your underlings are still prowling around...wherever you all stay?

Yeah, so?

I sighed heavily. Even if I were as negative as you, I wouldn't treat my brother like that. Let's just go back so I can make sure he isn't hurt.

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