Chapter 17

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Another day, another series of tests on me. This particular day ended with me feeling really nauseous from something they gave me. At least the doctors didn't panic now whenever I went into a vegetable state for 7-8 hours.

It took me a while to go to sleep this time simply because of the nausea. When I finally did go to sleep, I woke up on the ground somewhere.

I blinked slowly, still feeling nauseous and weak from my 1 health.

I hope Frisk is doing okay...

I gingerly sat up, coughing some. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. That didn't take me long.

I was sitting on the grass in the park of the main timeline.

I struggled to a knee and then to my feet...and then promptly fell back down onto my hands and knees, swaying really badly.

It would seem the nausea wasn't from my low was the nausea from my world. Ugh...stupid freaking...

I opted to just lie on the ground instead. It made me feel ever so slightly better.

Maybe I could just stay here and sleep...double sleepage?

I closed my eyes, breathing quietly. I was really tired of feeling nauseous and just wanted this time to go by fast so I could feel better and wake up without incident.

Of course, the universe didn't want me to have peace.

I heard light footsteps and heavy footsteps approaching me and sighed softly, not opening my eyes. Great...

"Oh, look who it is! The human~!" Muffet said gleefully. Someone else hmm'ed in response.

Look, can we just...not right now? I don't feel good.

"Aww, is the poor wittle hooman sick?" Muffet mocked.

I opened my eyes and turned over, looking up at the stupid spider lady and...ugh, UNDYNE. The doctors gave me some kind of medicine that made me extremely nauseated. So I'd appreciate it if you guys would just leave me alone.

"But XGaster has finally figured it out! We need you now." Muffet said cryptically.

I just looked up at her from my lying position on the ground. Figured out what...? I muttered, my brain more focused on the sickly feeling than what she meant.

Undyne bent down and grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me up into a standing position very quickly. I yelped weakly. Ow! Dude, come on...! I just said I'm not feeling good...

"Undyne! You're gonna break her before we get her to XGaster! Here, I got her..."

Muffet reached for me and I cringed away, still not okay with the fact that she was a spider. That didn't stop her from grabbing me, though. I started struggling as Undyne let go, but Muffet quickly restrained me with her many arms. "Nuh-uh, you're not going anywhere, human!"

She started dragging me pretty quickly in some direction and Undyne followed behind silently.

I struggled slightly, but I was honestly just too exhausted and nauseous to do more than wiggle a bit.

I couldn't really muster up the energy to overly care about what was happening, either, so no real feelings were felt in any particular direction if that makes sense.

I closed my eyes when the world started spinning around me. I already felt sick, I didn't need it to be worse.

After a few minutes, Muffet stopped dragging me and unceremoniously dropped me to the ground. I kinda banged my head a bit when she did. Ow...

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