Chapter 28

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Okay...waking up HURTS.

Why was I in pain? Wasn't I healed by Passive?

Or was I still healing from the attack Undyne made on me?

I took in a deep breath, the air filling my lungs in a way that felt like I hadn't breathed in hours. I coughed, opening my eyes slightly.

Wherever I was, it was BRIGHT. It was rather annoying.

I sat up slowly, but mid-way through, a massive pain shot through my chest and I yelped, flopping back down onto what I determined to be a bed.

I opened my eyes the rest of the way, raising my arm to shield my eyes. "Ow..." I murmured, my voice hoarse.

There was silence in my head, but I sensed another's presence. It didn't FEEL like XGaster, but it didn't have the thickness of negativity Corrupt exuded.

This is...strange.



Ugh...why does my chest still hurt...? I thought that would've been healed from you...

Want me to take a look?

I blinked slowly, trying to adjust my eyes to the light. How?

Well...I can do that thing the corruption could. Come out into a void in your world.

If you could help, that'd be nice... A-Actually...before that...I wonder if you could help Sam... She got injured by Undyne, but I dunno how far your healing works.

I felt Passive's hesitation. U-Umm...I might be able to...but she'd need to be here...

I blinked away the irritation in my eyes and looked around the room I was in.

I was in the center of some room that only contained the bed and a heavy-looking metal door.

I leaned my head back against the bed, groaning in pain. "Ngh..."

Can you take out your soul here?

I think so...

I looked down at my chest and focused, summoning forth my soul.

It was...odd. It was still the apple shape, but instead of the pure black, it was a lavender color.

It was severely cracked up, which startled me. Even in my most injured state here, the soul never showed signs of cracking.

It pulsed softly and a lavender shade covered everything. A lot like Corrupt's void, but brighter in color, obviously.

Passive phased out of my body, sitting up and getting off the bed. I still winced at the sensation. I didn't like it.

He turned to me, looking at the soul still floating over my chest. He reached forward and tried to heal it, but nothing happened.

Passive tilted his head. How strange...

He looked down and summoned his own soul, looking at it in comparison to mine. It was also an apple of lavender color, but it had no cracks crisscrossing it.

He put his hand on the area of my chest that had been speared and tried healing there, instead. The residual pain of moving went away as well as the pain in general. We watched as the soul hovering over my chest healed up, becoming whole again.

"Th-Thanks..." I mumbled, sitting up carefully. I still held the area of my chest that had been healed, shaking slightly.

A-Are you...okay?

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