first chores

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POV: Alruna

This humidity is killing me as I complete my last assigned task for the day.

Since it's midday in the middle of summer the heat is almost unbearable and my body is so uncomfortable with how much I'm sweating. My shirt clings to my skin as it gets soaked with thick beads of sweat that trickle over my sticky skin. I'm almost certain that if anyone saw me right now they'd be able to see through my shirt but I don't really care as I hang up the final washed shirt that has already almost dried out because of the heat.

My arms reach over my head, my fingers linking together as I stretch out my back that aches from carrying multiple heavy loads all morning with nearly no shade from the blisteringly hot sun. I sigh in relief as I scuttle over to the nearest sliver of shade created by the short building used for the storage of all the festival decorations that only get brought out once a year, if that.

As I crouch in the shade that's barely cooler than in the open sun, my ears perk up to the sound of two people moving quickly towards my hiding spot. I reluctantly move out of the shade to hide behind some crumbling and rotting barrels as a couple scurry behind the storage building, hand in hand as they giggle, completely drunk on their new love.

Staying as quiet as I can on the dry dirt ground, I attempt not to peek at them as they press each other against the old dead tree that's barely standing, passionately making out with one another, but it's so difficult when they're so loud. They moan into each others lips as they get completely lost, unaware of me as I sit behind the crates, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to try and keep myself cool in the sun that feels like it's trying to melt me into a fleshy puddle on the ground.

I don't know how long I've been sitting there waiting for them to finish and move on but all three of us freeze as a voice calls out two names, presumably the names of the two making out, sounding increasingly frustrated.

"Maria! Gage! Where the hell are you two?" An older woman's voice calls out, getting nearer by the moment. "You'd better not be making out again or so help me!"

Curiosity gets the better of me and I cautiously peer out from my hiding spot, trying my best to ensure that no one can see me. Before the older woman can round the corner I see the two utter words to each other before giving each other a tight embrace and a tender kiss. They fail to pull apart before who I presume to be one of their mother's storms around the corner of the building, growling as she sees them.

She pulls them apart by their ears and pulls them behind her as she yells and curses at them, not caring as the girl begins to cry, pleading to be let go. Whenever the boy tries to talk to her and comfort her, the woman tugs on his ear so hard I'm scared she'll pull it off the side of his head. They both whine but stay silent as she pulls them away, outraged at them both.

As her voice fades from my ears I sigh and get up, shuffling back to the shade for a moment as I brush off the beige dust from the butt of trousers that are worn and dirty enough as it is. I double check that all the cloths and fabrics are cleanly hung up in a way that'll cause the least amount of wrinkles before picking up the wicker basket I'd lugged all the cloths out in, my back instantly beginning to ache again.

I groan as I tiredly wander around the storage building, the main buildings of my home village entering my view. Despite being exhausted as the sun saps my energy, the sight of thick, sheltering shade given by the lush green trees in the square of the village gives me enough motivation to quicken my step. I ignore the loud chorus of crickets in the long, dry grass that lines all the crop fields that have already been harvested due to the harshening drought we've been going through as I dash into the shadow of a tree, pausing to lean against it and cool down, picking my shirt away from my skin.

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