midnight surprise

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POV: Camille

It's already gone past midnight and I just can't sleep so I've been sat reading by my window, waiting to get tired.

Runa left early to get ready but came back a short while later, timidly asking for my help since she was struggling to get everything on. Her traditional clothing has a lot of flowing layers that look beautiful on her, especially when she quickly walked out after I helped her with some makeup.

The image of her sticks in my mind as I try to become tired. I don't know what it is about Alruna but she's so much more attractive to me than my fiancé and my body has so much more of a reaction to her.

She reminds me so much of my previous maid, and I really don't want Runa to have the same fate as she did. If anything happens, I want to protect Runa, even if she does piss me off sometimes.

A knock suddenly comes from my door followed closely by a small crash that makes me panic a bit. It's so late in the night that no one should be outside my room and whoever it is, it sounds like they fell over and maybe passed out.

I slam my book closed and go to my door, flinging it open, surprised as Alruna tumbles onto me, using me to support herself as she stumbles about. Her hair is a mess and her makeup is streaked across her face and her clothes are slipping off her.

I hold her waist, trying to look at her and get some clue as to what is going on with her, though I quickly get the answer to my question as Runa abruptly smashes her lips against mine, pushing me against the wall, her hands either side of my head. Her breath reeks of strong alcohol as she moves her lips against mine, giving me no chance to breathe.

Eventually I manage to push her off and slam the door to my room, locking it so that at least no one will barge in and see her making out with me when she's so heavily intoxicated.

I turn to Alruna as she sits on the floor panting, her face completely red as she looks at me with pleading eyes that I want to give in to but I know I shouldn't. She's not in the right state of mind so taking advantage of her would feel so wrong.

"Runa, how many drinks did you have at that party?" I ask, trying to help her up as she stumbles.

"Not many..." She slurs. "Maybe two...or five."

"Five! Runa, that's far too much. No wonder you're so drunk," I tell her but she just scoffs.

"I'm fine," she says, slipping from my grip to rest on my bed, patting the spot beside her with a drunken grin. "Come on. Just sit down. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

I don't know what to make of Alruna in this state. She just stole a kiss from me and came to my room in the middle of the night. I have no clue what she might do since she's clearly gotten worked up from all the alcohol she drank.

Her oddly sweet smile as I sit beside her makes me feel uncomfortable, especially as she moves closer until I can feel her warm breath against my neck. I try to stop her but her lips start slowly kissing my neck, instantly causing my body to freeze.

I have no clue what to do to get this to stop, especially since my body reacts amazingly to her touch and soft kisses.

My entire body tingles as her soft, rosy lips touch my neck, beginning to suck at my skin, not rough enough to leave marks though. Her hands move to my waist as she tries to push me down onto my bed but I stay sat up, stifling a few small moans that are threatening to leave my throat.

"Runa...please, stop it," I ask as my mind snaps the small enjoyment I'm getting from this with the memory of my former maid flashing through my head.

She gives me a few more kisses, stopping as I whimper and try to remove her hands from my waist. Her eyes shift from being filled with lust to concern as she looks into my eyes but I just can't properly look back at her.

Runa shuffles away from me a bit, suddenly shy as she gives me some space. I take a deep breath as Alruna watches me, clearly worried and not so drunk that she can't hold back.

After a few minutes, Runa's hand reaches and cups my cheek, turning my face towards her. Before I can say anything or comprehend what's happening, her lips are locked with mine again and she's pushing me down onto my bed, the shoulder of her dress falling off and revealing her smooth skin that has always looked enticing to touch.

I can't stop her as her lips dominate the kiss, moving passionately against mine, but I can try to take over since her kiss is getting weaker and she clearly doesn't have much of an idea of what she's meant to be doing with her hands as they remain nervously either side of my waist.

I move my lips against hers and roll her over so that I can straddle her and pin her down on my bed. It's a struggle to stop myself from roaming her body and taking advantage of this opportunity as I kiss her, wanting to slip my tongue into her mouth.

As a moan leaves Alruna's mouth I can't help but freeze for a moment, wanting to savour the sound and hear it so much more. I quickly regain myself and pin Runa's hands above her head, leaning in to her ear as she wiggles beneath me, whining a bit as I stop kissing her.

"What's wrong, Runa?" I whisper in her ear as she wriggles.

"There's no way...I'm going to let...you top me," she pants, her comment making me chuckle.

"You have no clue what you're doing though, do you?" I snicker, watching as she shuffles and whines, struggling to get the strength to move me off her and flip us so she's on top.

"I've never...fucked anyone before," she pants, giving up, her body going limp for a moment giving me the chance to move her arms and sleekly tie them to either post of my bed with the ropes that hold the curtains around my bed in place, ensuring that they aren't tight enough to leave marks.

Alruna doesn't seem to notice though as she starts to close her eyes, the alcohol starting to wear off as she passes out in the middle of my bed, leaving no space for me without me snuggling up to her. I'm still not tired so I sit back beside my window to continue reading, occasionally checking on Runa as she grumbles and tries to roll onto her side, fighting against the ropes a little.

She looks so worked up, even while asleep. I want to help her but I'm not going to take her first time while she's so drunk she won't remember anything.

If I do ever get the chance to fuck her, I want her to remember it and never forget.

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