a princess' surprise

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POV: Alruna

I don't know why but the instant that the bratty princess came into my view this morning, clearly pleased with herself, I just had to mess with her.

Seeing her get so flustered and frustrated was surprisingly entertaining, especially when I ended up daring her to do her worst, which I don't think will be much. From her crude cursing I can assume she isn't particularly creative so I look forward to seeing what she's planned.

Either way I'm not going to quit. As much as I hate to admit it, King Nor managed to find something to bribe me with so that I would be more convinced to continue being her personal maid. He has very generously given me a lot of benefits for this job and no matter what she claims, I won't get into trouble.

My living conditions have also become a lot more cushy with a good mattress and nice food that are filling and tasty, as well as a private room. It's small but it's nice and manages to fit a double bed with plenty of space to move around. Anything more than what I've already been given would be excessive.

They also said if I need anything to just ask them for it so I'm living quite a good life at the moment. Would be better if I didn't have to tend to that pouty princess but all these nice things had to have a punishment to go with them.

As I walk through the corridors, trying my best not to get lost as I go to her room, I can't help but wonder what she'll try. She's had all day to think so I'm curious to know what she's come up with. I have a few more things to clean up in her room so hopefully it's nothing too annoying or distracting.

Out of obligation, I knock on her door, opening it slowly before getting any answer. I know she's somewhere in her room but which part of it, I have no idea. Her room is massive and extravagant with a luxurious four-poster bed that looks Reay comfortable.

If Lilli and Link saw it they'd instantly be jumping on it until it breaks. My mother would love it too since it would be a comfortable way to spend her constant bed rest. I can only wish we could afford things like this at our home, but I digress.

I have a decent paying job now so that might end up becoming a reality, especially if that king upholds his side of this deal.

I close her door behind me as I clean up the new mess she's made over the day, not bothering to look for her. If she really has something planned she can come out and find me. I'm not putting in any extra effort for this brat.

"So you're finally back, huh?" She says slyly from behind me.

I can sense that she's really close behind me as she speaks making me realise she's probably not wearing her heels right now. With her heels on she's about the same height as me, if just shorter, so without them she's going to be just above my shoulders.

"What have you planned to get me to quit then?" I ask, unammused by her.

"Turn around and see."

I just want to get on with my work, why can't she just leave me alone? She's wasting her energy and time doing this whole teasing bit.

"It's Camille, right?-"

"Princess Camille," she specifies.

"Yeah, yeah, pouty princess, whatever," I respond, barely listening to her. "Why do you think I would waste my time looking at you? I have work to do. Why don't you go and do whatever it is that you spend you time doing?"

I wave her away as I clean up her vanity and wipe over the mirror to remove all the flicked gunk from the glass. I can hear her huff behind me but she really is determined not to give up.

Her footsteps walk away for a moment as I clear up her messes, not enjoying a single moment of this other than annoying her. I pick up a book from the table and turn around so that I can put it on her bookshelf, instantly feeling uncomfortable as I see her.

She's in nothing other than thin lingerie that pushes her breasts up and that just cover her crotch, a lacy robe over it that conceals nothing from me. I was right though, she's barely at my shoulders with her heels off.

I use my height as an advantage to look over the top of her head, using the book to stop myself from catching sight of her revealed body.

"Are you really this determined to degrade yourself in front of a servant just to make a point?" I say as I slot the book back into its place on the shelf. "I'm sure your fiancé would much prefer to see you dressed like that than I do."

"Please, I hate that asshole," she hisses. "He's always trying to touch me up when I tell him not to."

"Like how you're showing off your body to me when I don't want you to? Yeah, I can see how someone might not like that," I reply, trying my best to swerve around her without glancing at the exposed parts of her body.

Even though I'm trying to best not to look at her, I keep catching glimpses of her bare skin in my peripheral making my cheeks feel really warm. Why is she making me so flustered?

I guess she's conventionally attractive, especially for a princess, but I'm not attracted to her. Her personality ruins any chance of that.

As I try to leave to clear up the few other bits of mess scattered around, her arms suddenly wrap around my waist, her hands gliding up my body to grope my breasts in her palms. I gasp as she rest her chin over my shoulder, her warm breath hitting my already flushed cheeks as she plays with my breasts.

It takes a moment before I can react, slapping her hands as I dart away from her making her stumble forward. She stares at me with a mischievous smirk, her thin robe slipping off one of her shoulders.

"What the fuck was that?" I demand, barely stopping myself from smacking her across the face.

"You seemed to enjoy that for a moment, hmm?" She smirks, stepping closer to me again as I step away. "Oh, your face has gone all red. Do I make you flustered?"

I groan and storm out of her room, leaving the door open behind me for her to close. I can understand why everyone always quits so quickly. I know that she definitely didn't do the same thing to the rest of the maids she had but now I get it.

She may not be intelligent with much but her mind can quickly figure out how best to fuck with someone and make them incredibly uncomfortable. We'll she's not going to get away with this, not when she fondled my body like that.

And I know just how to get her into trouble.

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I'd love to hear your thoughts, thanks.

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