sweet punishment

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POV: Alruna

I'm still fucking pissed off with Camille.

Even though she slapped me and ended up giving me a deep cut in my cheek that needs stitches, I still have to continue working for her today. I don't know how I'm going to stop myself from strangling her later when I see her and her stupid face again.

I pray that her father beats her or something, gives her some kind of punishment for what she's been doing to so many girls. By the dark look in King Nor's eyes I think he's done with dealing with her shit.

I doubt she'll get off easy with any sweet words, and I hope she doesn't. She deserves to be severely punished on behalf of everyone she's traumatised.

"Miss Kaylan, would you ease stop tensing your jaw? It's making it very difficult to get these stitches right," the physician tending to me orders.

I apologise to him and try to stop though I hadn't even realised I was tensing my jaw. It's just that a simple thought of her stuck up Highness makes my whole body tense, ready to beat her ass.

He slaps my hands with a twisted towel, giving it to me so that I can wring it as if it were Camille's throat as he finishes the stitches in my cheek. My adrenaline is starting to cool down so the stitches are starting to sting. It certainly doesn't help when he starts dabbing alcohol onto them to ensure it's clean.

I quietly hiss as he roughly dabs at it, clearly frustrated about having to tend to, in his view, a random servant with a bad attitude at such an early hour. I doubt he ever has many people to tend to so this must be an odd occurance for him. Beside that, servants are usually left to deal with injuries themselves rather than be helped by a royal physician.

"I don't want to be called this early in the morning again," he complains as he finishes, packing up his medical equipment and cleaning the slightly bloody needle.

"Miss Kaylan, his Majesty wishes to see you," one of the soldiers standing beside us suddenly states.

"What for?" I snap, in a horrid mood from that brat.

"I wasn't informed of a reason," he bluntly states. "Would you please comply and return to his Majesty's office?"

"Fine," I say very reluctantly. If I don't go now I'll just have to deal with it later. "Let's get this over with."

I'm led all the way back to the King's office, the door being held open for me so I can clearly see the pouty princess as she slouches in a chair, arms crossed over her chest in a huff as her father glares at her. His eyes shift to me and he tries to soften his expression though it's obvious he's still stressed and infuriated by the situation.

King Nor offers me the seat beside Camille and I reluctantly take it, glaring at her from the corner of my eye as Nor begins talking, not that either of us are listening.

The air is thick with the hatred between us as he speaks, pausing to cough to grab our attentions back to him, breaking our hatred for a moment so that we can focus on his words that just seem to drone on and on.

"As I was saying," he continues, "Camille will assist you with any chores in her room and yours. In compensation for her unacceptable actions, we will agree to your new requests."

"There's no need for her to go anywhere near my room," I shortly say. I don't want that pouting princess anywhere near my stuff.

"Why not? Are you hiding something?" Camille snaps,her voice instantly pissing me off.

I instantly deny it only making Nor suddenly suspicious of me.

"You're busy tending to Camille's needs, surely having one less task for yourself to complete isn't something you should complain about?" He asks, raising a quizzical brow at me.

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