five...four rules

974 30 5

POV: Alruna

They've really tightened security around me now, refusing to let me go anywhere without someone watching over me. I can't even have a moment alone with Cam anymore, except in her room where we can close the door to shut them out.

As much as they try to be sneaky and watch from a distance, I always catch them out of the corner of my eye, disappearing just as I turn to properly see them. It's getting exhausting and I've just given up now, especially since Cam is starting to act a bit odd.

She's acting oddly sneaky, well, trying to be sneaky, and seems a bit to happy whenever I ask her why. She just seems too giddy and excited about something though she refuses to tell me what.

Today is the only time I've been allowed to be left alone, mostly since Cam abandoned me in her room and I'm refusing to leave. I just want a minute to myself so I can relax. I've cooled off since that night, mostly since I went out, beat up a lot of trees, passed out and got the chance to lash out at one of the people responsible for all those deaths.

Yes, I know I probably solidified the idea in everyone's head that I'm related to that other Kaylan family, though I'm certain I'm not - my family is small and always lived in that village, for generations according to my father and mother.

So I reached my boiling point at a very inconvenient time. Its not like I harmed anyone too badly. I harmed myself more than anything. My knuckles are still sore.

I rub my hand over my red knuckles as I sit at the window seat of Camille's room,just staring out of the window and admiring the view of the blue sky and fluffy clouds that just drift by slowly in the small breeze that's starting to arrive from the coast. It makes the heat feel so much more bearable and is nice when trickling through the open window onto my face.

Due to my short snap, I can wear more comfortable clothes now than what they used to make me wear. I can wear comfortable trousers and my loose white shirt. As long as they're clean, no one complains because they don't want to frustrate me. While I don't like them being scared of me, being able to wear comfortable clothes is a perk.

"I'm surprised you're still sat in here," Cam explains, entering her room looking even more cheery and almost proud of herself. "Made it easier to find you at least. Come on. I have something for you."

"Cam-" I start to complain but she instantly shushes me,waving her hands around until I finally fall quiet and let her speak.

"Just come on! You'll like it, I promise," she swears, skipping over and grabbing my hand to pull me up. "Oh, you might need to put some shoes on."

I groan but follow her recommendation, slipping on my boots and trying my laces with double knots to make sure they don't slip. The instant I'm done, Cam grabs me and pulls me up with surprising strength, dragging me behind her as she sprints through the palace halls until we're out in the gardens and I finally can pull her to an abrupt stop.

She hops up and down in protest as I demand she slows down, digging my heels into the ground whenever she speeds up too much. She grumbles and doesn't stop trying to drag me forward as she pulls me through the gardens towards the training area.

There aren't any soldiers training today, to my surprise since none of them were great at fighting, offense or defense. It does make it eerily quiet though since this area is so often filled with clashing metal and yelling. It's odd to actually be able to hear the birds, but it is quite nice and calming.

My calm is broken as I see Phal, one of Camille's brothers, standing there with a wide smile over his lips as he waves for us to come closer. Cam has to tug harder at my arm to keep me moving towards him since I really hate him. He just stirs a disgust and anger inside me that makes him absolutely repulsive.

On Her KneesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora