the flirty prince

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POV: Camille

It's been a few days since I treated Alruna to a small feast and we have been quite civil with each other since.

We still squabble a bit but I haven't slapped her recently and she doesn't seem to be quite as depressed and homesick anymore. She might just be hiding it from me better though. To my knowledge she still sleeps on the floor on that straw mattress that doesn't seem comfortable in the slightest.

Today we finished all our chores early, since I'm still being punished for slapping Alruna, so I dragged her out to walk in in gardens with me. I mostly wanted to go out so that I could be nosy about all the training of the new soldiers and guards since my brothers are in charge of it.

"Why did you drag me out here?" Alruna whines as she trails behind me. "It's so warm out here. Can't we just sit down the shade or something? Why do I need to be here?"

"Alruna, would you shut up," I finally snap as she keeps complaining. "I'm not allowed to wander around unaccompanied since my father thinks I'll get into trouble."

"I told you to just call me Runa," she says, finally getting quiet.

"Fine, Runa. Would you just stop complaining about the heat? I'm wearing even more thick layers than you and I'm not complaining at all."

She utters something under her breath that sound like swears as we finally approach the training grounds, the loud clattering of metal and wooden swords filling my ears and the sounds of my brothers' voices yelling over all the other racket.

I haven't seen my brothers for a few days since they've been busy training all the new soldiers and missing dinner because of it. I only got to speak to them when I asked them to help me set up that meal for Alruna. I just want to have a fun conversation with them rather than going to them for something.

"Cam, why are you here?" Phal asks with a smile as I wave at him. "Aren't you meant to be doing some chores or something? Oh, hello there. I take it this is your new little maid. She's a pretty one, isn't she?"

Alruna glares at him, her stare even harder than it is when she looks at me. I step between them as Phal raises a brow at her, knowing Runa won't take long before starting an argument or a full brawl with him.

"Phal, this is Alruna Kaylan," I say, trying to keep this situation calm. Phal likes to tease people he finds attractive but Runa is more likely to beat him if he flirts with her like this. I'm pretty sure Runa can't get fired if I do anything to her or if she does anything to me, but I doubt that rule stretches to if she fights anyone else.

Alruna doesn't say anything but I can feel her leaning to look around me to glare at him, only stopping as my head swivels so that I can glare at her. She averts her eyes and quietly follows behind us as Phal leads me up to the platform they use to get a better vantage point over the trainees, Sera standing there looking exhausted.

"Sera, look who came to visit us at work!" Phal calls over the racket of weapons, catching Sera's attention.

Sera gives a weak and tired smile that drops as he notices Alruna standing behind Phal and I. Alruna just gives him a nod as a greeting before leaning on the balcony to watch over the clumsy sword swinging below.

"Who is that?" Sera quietly asks, leaning in towards me.

"It's Cam's new maid, and my future plaything," Phal says, eyeing Alruna, his eyes landing on her ass.

I don't know why but seeing him eye fucking her just pisses me off. I elbow him hard in his ribs making him pout and rub his side that will definitely have a bruise later.

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