an interview

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POV: Alruna

[2 Weeks Later]

Everything seems to have been settled over the past few weeks.

Basically every one of the hundreds of people in the palace have been given their positions and have been settled in and trained for their new jobs. Everything has become peaceful and monotonous.

"I quit being that brat's maid!"


The princess has already gone through I think at least ten different maids, though honestly I've lost count. Only a few have managed to last more than two days and they quit working for the palace entirely after it. All of them refuse to talk about what she did to make them quit so quickly but at this rate it won't be long before I'm enlisted and traumatised by her.

I have already met her once and she didn't seem like she had the ability to traumatise anyone though. All she could do was spew crude curses at the back of my head and even then all someone has to do is walk vaguely quickly away from her. With the heels she wears she'll end up snapping an ankle if she walks too quickly.

As I stand, my feet getting tired, I wash another load of disgusting food covered plates from the breakfast banquet that was a few hours ago now. At this point my skin has lost the ability to feel the heat from the water surrounding my hands.

My mind is completely zoned out as I wash the next plate, adding more suds as they get washed away. Because I am so zoned out it's a jumpscare when the girl beside me that's drying each dish I pass her, nudges me with her elbow in my ribs.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I whisper shout at her since whenever someone talks too loud once of the veteran servants scolds us.

I follow her gaze over to the entrance to the grubby palace kitchen where palace soldiers are standing, their eyes scanning over everyone. I shrug it off and go back to washing dishes, stacking them in front of her as she can't take her gaze away from them.

After a few minutes she starts repeatedly jabbing me in the side, turning back to her work station as she she weren't staring and being nosy.

"Stop jabbing me please, and get on with your work," I whisper to her as she starts gripping my arm and shaking me.

"They're coming this way," she whimpers, getting uncomfortably close to me. "I made eye contact with them and now they're coming this way."

"Probably because you're acting suspicious and shaking me," I hiss back, my patience getting thin with her.

Whispering with each other is more suspicious, surely. Even if they can't hear our conversation, by her looking making eye contact and suddenly turning away to panic it would clearly draw more attention to her.

She shuts up and pretends to focus on drying the plates as the soldiers get closer, to the point that they'd be able to hear anything she aggressively whispers to me. While I don't really mind their presence, it does make me feel uncomfortable how I can feel their eyes glaring through the back of my skull.

"Alruna Kaylan, would you comply and come with us," they bluntly demand a they stand directly behind me.

I sigh, not even bothering to hide my disdain for them as I finish washing another dish. They repeat themselves but I just wash another plate, handing it to the girl beside me before draping the soaking rag over the edge of the large sink, turning on my heel to face them.

"Sure." There isn't any point in fighting them and I won't be missing out on anything here so I just trail behind them as they lead me out of the bustling servants kitchen.

I can feel everyone's gaze following me as I follow the soldiers out, everyone already accepting that I'm a lost cause since we all know why these soldiers have come to get me, though this time is a little different from every other time they've rounded someone up to become the princess' maid.

Every other time they've gotten someone, they don't use their name, seemingly just getting the most competent looking person in the room they enter, but this time they used my name. I highly doubt that they bother to learn the names of anyone of the hundreds of servants names unless they need a specific person.

I try not to worry too much about it as I follow them through corridors I've never seen before. New servants aren't really allowed in corridors like this unless they have specific permission, which I certainly don't. The only reason I'm not too concerned is because I've been commanded to follow these soldiers wherever they lead me.

They all abruptly stop in front if me, leaving me just a small route to an expensive looking double door made of carved oak covered with a deep brown varnish. None of them say anything to me as I reluctantly creak the door open, peering into the grand room beyond it.

Hidden behind the door is a large office filled with luxurious cushions and furniture, a overwhelmingly grand fireplace that crackles away in the wall. A large window that gives a stunning view of the bustling city below is behind a wide desk that looks ancient and as if it's been sat in the same location for near centuries.

Sat behind the desk is a face I recognise, though barely. King Nor lifts his head up to look away from the many papers scattered over his wide desk, placing his feather quill into the small pot of ink on his desk, winding his fingers together as he gestures for me to take one of the soft seats on the opposite side of the desk from him.

"Can I offer you some tea?" He says, his secretary scuttling up to stand beside him.

"No, thank you. I'd prefer to know why I've been led here without any explanation," I say back, not wanting this conversation to drag on for too long since I'm almost certain I know what this is all for.

"Well, we have a job proposal for you. Your pay would be doubled, tripled if you wanted, and you'll receive a private room to stay in-"

"And what is this job?" I interrupt since he's clearly avoiding it.

"It's being the princess' personal maid," he says much quieter than before.

I can't help but laugh. "No amount of money could make me take that job," I chuckle, crossing my arms over my chest as I lounge back in my chair.

"Fine, then what do you want? We'll give you anything, withing reason of course," he pleads.

Damn they must really be getting desperate to find someone that can tolerate their brat of a princess. I can't tolerate her either but I guess they think since I already ignored her before that I'll be able to handle her. Besides there isn't anything they can offer me that'll entice me to risk my mental stability just to take care of a stubborn and entitled princess.

As he starts listing offers, clearly getting more desperate, he gets stopped by his assistant as he passes him a folder. Neither of them let me see it as King Nor reads the page, his eyes lighting up a little. He places the folder down, a smile peaking at the corner of his lips.

"I think we have something that will convince you," he says, very smug.

I wonder what they've found to convince her?

I hope you're enjoying so far.

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