the new stubborn maid

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POV: Camille

Another one gone.

None of the many servants my father has been trying to make my personal maid have been able to handle anything I've thrown at them. Most of them just cry and run off to quit after a few simple curse words. Those who weren't fazed by that had to give up as I gave them ridiculous commands.

I may have taken it a little far but all of them got on my last nerve the instant I saw them. And I haven't hurt them physically at all, I just broke them mentally a little bit. They should be fine after a week or so.

I can’t wait to see the next bitch my father places under me so that I can try my next plan to break them just as I did the others. I'll break her within a few hours and leave her a shattered mess that weren't be useful to anybody. There's too many servants in the palace now anyway, it won't be much of a loss.

There's no doubt that my new maid will be dragged to my room this morning. I've already had breakfast with my family, most of my appetite returned, but my father did mention anything about it though I doubt he would ever allow me to take care of myself. Perhaps they haven't found anyone yet, but I can wait until they do.

I can’t help but smile as I recall each maid I've kicked away just this week as I saunter to my room, full from breakfast as I stretch out my back, my body a little achy from sleep. At least I'll have some peace alone in my room for some time to better plan how I'm going to torture the next one my father sends to be sacrificed to me.

My room has become quite messy and dirty over the past week with all the maid changes but I don't mind. A small bit of mess doesn't bother me as much as it does my brothers and father. It'll only bother me when it starts to smell a bit but until then I can just torment each maid while piling more tasks onto them.

I open my door, the smile on my face dropping as I see the state of my room. Every tray has been cleaned and taken away, every pile of dresses have been hung up and put away and all my bed sheets have been changed and the bed made. The flowers in the ugly vase have even been changed and make the room smell quite nice alongside the fresh air being let in by the opened window that makes the lacy curtains flow elegantly in the breeze.

My eyes check each part of the room finding every inch cleaned. I was only at breakfast for an hour, maybe two at most. How did someone manage to clean up so much in such a short bit of time?

I hear something clatter from my bathroom, instantly catching my attention. I can’t help but storm towards the bathroom door but someone steps out if it before I can reach it. A person who's face instantly infuriates me even more.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room? Get the hell out," I yell at her, clenching my fists until my nails are digging into my palms.

"That's not the kind of language a princess should be using," she chuckles back, wiping her hands with a towel. "Besides, I have permission to be in here."

So my father has decided to screw me over even more by assigning her as my maid since he saw that she could tolerate me. Little does he know that by assigning her to me he has only made my plans even worse.

He would ground me if he knew what I thought about her he would not have made the mistake of putting her in a position where I can torment her out of the way of everyone else. The others I only wanted to make their lives hell for a few hours, but her. I already know what she can tolerate but I want to find her breaking point.

I want to know how far I can push her body and how far her mind can stretch before she finally and irreversibly snaps. I want to strain her until there’s nothing left of herself.

"I'm sure I can get you to quit just like I did all the others," I say very smugly, stepping closer to her as she tucks the cleaning towel into the fabric cinching her waist and emphasising her good figure.

"What, are you going to start with some crude cursing again? Give me an unbearable amount of work? Threaten me to quit?" She asks, raising a brow and refusing to back down. "Go on, tell me how you're going to break me and make me quit."

This girl pisses me off so much.

Despite being a lower position than me she still disrespects me without a care for the consequences.

"Just you wait. You'll find out soon enough," I smile back, feigning as much innocence as I can.

"Sounds to me like you have no idea what your going to do," she sneers, stepping closer to me.

She isn't much taller than me but I'm only near her height since I'm wearing my heels. Up this close I can smell her fresh scent that definitely comes from all the cleaning equipment she's used. Her clothes are clearly new and fresh as well since they fit her like a glove and there isn’t a single stain or thread lose on the fabric.

She shrugs and begins humming to herself as I break our eye contact because I can feel my cheeks getting warmer. Why does this girl make me so flustered?

She isn't even conventionally attractive. I mean, she is attractive with her smooth hair and skin, her stunning eyes, her velvety pink lips, her slim waist, her round breasts and her thick thighs that I just want to-

No! What the hell am I thinking?

I don't like girls and I definitely don't like her. I hate her very existence.

"It doesn’t really matter," she continues. "You have quite a while to think about it and trust me, little princess, you won't break me no matter what or how hard you try."

She glides her finger under my jaw as she talks, tilting my face up to look into her eyes, smiling as she notices how red my face is getting. I hate that my body does this. My cheeks flush far too easily.

"Anyway, princess," she says, stepping away from me, "I have more work to do so I'll leave you to think about how you're going to waste your energy in your vain attempts to get me to quit. I'll see you round, I guess."

She leaves my room with a playful salute and wink, closing my bedroom door behind her, leaving me standing befuddled in the middle of my room.

She definitely now knows about how flustered she makes me and I don't even know her name but that isn't going to stop me. And she was right about one thing.

I have hours to plan how I'm going to screw with her, and I already have an idea.

What do you guys think Camille has up her sleeve?

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