seeing red

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POV: Alruna

I haven't gotten up to work today and I'm just waiting for someone to come and complain at me. I've been awake for hours, mostly since I couldn't get to sleep after that infuriating princess touched me up right after complaining about how she hates people doing the same thing to her.

I suspect that they'll notice soon but for now I get to lay on my bed, just waiting for someone to come and pound down my door.

It's not too much longer before my prediction comes true and two soldiers pound at my door, demanding that I get up and come with them. I open my door with a tolerant smile, and let them lead me wherever they wish.

They end up leading me to King Nor's office again, which I enter almost immediately, slamming the door in front of the two soldiers before they can follow me in. He raises a brow behind his desk as his eyes are filled with fury, clearly pissed at me while I'm just waiting for him to start yelling.

"Okay, before you start screaming at me, I have something to say," I tell him as he opens his mouth to speak. "Your little princess I horrible and I understand why so many people have quit, and I swear she's already done something worse to me than she did to them, therefore, I have a request."

"And that is?" He asks, sounding tired of the complaint already.

"You pay for my mother's medication while keeping my pay the same as well as two days off a week," I say, leaning on one of the chairs in front of his humongous desk.

"Might I ask what Camille did to bring you to make such requests?"

"That little brat assaulted me," I say, purposefully being vague since just recalling what she did makes my body shiver.

"I need a bit of a further explanation than that I'm afraid," he responds, obviously getting tired of dealing with Camille's bullshit.

I take a deep breath, trying to subdue my discomfort of remembering it.

"Okay, I went to just do my job and clean up her room and as I'm doing so she grabs me from behind and gropes at me, ignoring me when I told her to stop until I had to forcibly get her off of me," I explain, avoiding mentioning that she was in lingerie since this us her father I'm talking to.

He pinches his nose bridge as he runs a hand over his thinning hair, not questioning me any further as he calls for his servant.

"Bring Camille to my office," he sighs, already tired despite it being the early morning.

The servant bows and scurries out as Nor orders me to sit down. I think he's one weak thread away from his breaking point so I just follow his instructions and sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk, accepting his servant's offer of tea so that I have something to drink while we wait for Camille.

Her room is almost on the complete opposite side of the palace so it's bound to take at least a few minutes; I doubt she'll be dressed and ready to leave her room at such an early hour since her dresses have so many laces to do up that doing all that alone will take half an hour.

King Nor ignores my existence as we wait, scribbling and stamping paperwork as I slowly sip at my tea, trying not to burn my tongue since it's still steaming.

To my surprise it doesn't take as long as I suspected it to before Camille is dragged in through his office door, her whiney voice instantly filling both of our ears.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, though it doesn't help much when she finally notices I'm sat down, patiently sipping on my tea to distract myself as she begins targeting me, spewing more crude curses at me as she storms closer to ensure I can hear her.

"You snitched on me to my father?" She demands. "You bitch, I barely did anything, you're just overreacting."

"Camille, please lower your voice and sit down," her father tiredly sighs, resting his head in his hand.

"Father, I swear I didn't do much," she claims. "I was still covered, mostly-"

"Actually, I hadn’t mentioned that part," I interrupt making her pause.

I watch as her cheeks flush and she freezes, staring at me, silently asking if I'm serious. I just sip at the tea, turning away from her to see her father's reaction that is just as pleasing. I can easily see the fury swirling behind his eyes as he asks for her to elaborate.

Only random sounds leave her mouth as she stands frozen in place, realising she assumed to much. If she says basically anything she's going to end up digging herself into a grave that her father will bury her in. At this point I feel like I need more than just tea. I need some food to snack on while watching this go down.


"Explain yourself, Camille."

"She tried to make me look at her in lingerie," I jump in before sipping on my tea.

In response her hand comes into contact with the back of my head making my body jolt and spill tea over my skirt. I instantly yell at her for it, her only yelling back at me, our argument quickly becoming a screaming match. She doesn’t even flinch as I get up from my chair to be closer.

Camille gets even closer to my face as she yells at me for ratting her out to her father, claiming that she did nothing that deserved that reaction, pissing me off even more.

She can't really be so clueless and fucking entitled that she doesn't understand when she's harassed someone.

I wipe away the spit flying from her mouth onto my face as I retort back, explaining to her why everything she did was so wrong though I know she’s not listening to me over her own voice. At this point neither of us can hear the other and it's almost impossible to hear the other voices yelling at both of us to stop.

Before I can say much else, her hand smacks my face, her rings digging in to my skin as I reel back. Everything falls silent for a moment as I rub my cheek, seeing blood streaked on my palm.

The only sound in my ears is my thudding heartbeat as I try to comprehend what she just did. I take deep breaths to stop myself from snapping at her as my vision begins to turn red.

I straighten my back as I step up to her until our bodies are almost touching and so that I know she can feel my breath.

"What the fuck was that for?" I hiss but she gives me no reply, just folding her arms and turning her face away from me. "You're lucky I don't wring your throat right now."

As soon as the words leave my lips two soldiers grab my arms and tug me away from her. I break from their gasp and brush off my clothes, smoothing out the creases they've left.

"Men, please get Miss Kaylan to the physician to get stitches for that wound," King Nor states as calmly as he possibly can before his voice darkens as he turns to Camille who stands outraged after my comment. "Camille, a word in private please."

The soldiers lead me out as Camille is left in her father's office, glaring at me until I'm out of her line of sight.

"My ten year old siblings have better manners than her," I hiss under my breath as I'm led through more unfamiliar corridors.

I ought to quit right now but unluckily for me the first motive King Nor gave me to work for that brat is far too lucrative for me to give up.

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