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POV: Alruna

I feel horrific.

I'm sweating but I'm cold and constantly shivering. All of me aches and I just can't get comfortable as I lay in bed, for two reasons really.

One, because I'm sick and it's causing me a lot of physical discomfort. Two, because I'm in the fucking princess' bed.

I can barely talk so asking to go to my own room is a bit difficult. Besides, no one seems too desperate to get me into my own room. They don't seem to even mind that I'm in her bed, then again, it's just the physician and Cam coming in and out, with Camille usually sticking around me like glue unless she needs to bathe or eat with her family.

Its been alright with her caring for me. She has to basically force me to drink the foul medicine I have to take to get better, though it seems no one quite knows what got me so sick so suddenly. I'd felt fine one minute, if with a bit of a hangover, next thing I knew my stomach was in agony and I couldn't stop myself from keeling over and throwing everything up.

Camille actually just makes me rest my head on her lap most of the time while she's trying to keep my fever down. Most of the time she talks on about some boring princess stuff that really helps me sleep. I feel a bit useless but having Camille always with me and constantly talking does make me feel better. On occasion, I can even talk back even though my throat is sore from throwing up so often.

"Hey, feeling any better?" Cam asks as she returns from her bath, her hair wrapped in a towel and her body concealed under her thicker dressing gown so that I don't have to see all of her.

"A little," I grumble, my throat scratchy from throwing up again this morning.

"You're able to talk, which is good," she smiles, coming over to take the damp rag off my forehead, re-soak it, wring it out and place it back on my forehead, the cooling water helping a little. "Mind closing your eyes so I can change?"

I oblige, closing my eyelid and just listening to the rustling of fabrics as she changes into one of her many extravagant dresses. She's been wearing smaller ones with smaller skirts so I can rest on her lap easier, though they're just as detailed as always. All I've been wearing is a manky I think nightdress that is Cam's since she doesn't wear it and it's made of cooling silk that helps with my high temperature.

I feel her rest on the edge of the bed I've taken temporary residence in, peering open one eye to see her bare back. Being in her bed for so long and always being in this situation has made me take a lot more cheeky glances at her, and she knows it.

She's caught me stealing looks at her a few times, and has told me off playfully, but she doesn't seem to mind. She enjoys my attention and I have to admit, her body is beautiful. So much more beautiful than mine - I'm a little jealous.

It does make me realise why she's always fawned over and why people adore her. Even without her corsets and whatnot, her waist is so slim and I just want to run my hands up and down it and feel her curves. I wish my body had the shape of hers. She's so thin and not muscular from farm work like I am. She's definitely a pretty princess.

"Done staring yet?" She chuckles making me smile a little. Caught again.

"Not really," I tease, closing my eyes again. "But if you want, I'll stop."

"You know full well I don't mind, Runa," she teases back, leaning across the bed towards me. "But you peeking means you are feeling better. Though you still need to take that medicine."

I can't help bit groan and scrunch my nose as she gets off the bed to get it since they keep a stash of it in her room now. That stuff tastes manky and vile and makes me want to throw up on taste alone, not minding the thick texture of the liquid that is more like a runny paste that lines my throat.

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