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I was actually on the boat to the island! I was so excited!!! "Y/N" Chris introduced, "this is amazing!" I smiled looking at the ocean and the slowly approaching island, "Jo!" Chris continued. "Stay out of my way if you value your Kiwis" she said to the boy next to her, "Scott!" Chris continued"right back at ya" he replied. "Mike and Zoey!" Chris yelled, "can you believe we're here?" Zoey asked Mike, "yeah it's-" I felt two eyes on me. "Beautiful" Mike finished. I turned to see who was looking at me only to see a boy (who I presumed was Mike) crash into me! "Shoot I'm sorry!" He said in a panicked tone as he helped me up. 'God he's cute' I thought "Ah don't worry about it" I smiled as I stood up. "I'm Y/N, you?" I asked. "Mike" he smiled then out if nowhere the boat blew up launching us into the water!

I swam up and saw a boy with a red hoddie practically drowning! "I got ya!" I yelled as I swam towards him, I grabbed him and swam back to shore. "You okay?" I asked, "yeah, thanks" he smiled.

Y/N confessional

"My parents got me involved in many after school activities swimming being one of them"

Mike's confessional

"Okay my first Confessional. So Y/N, cool girl. Okay super cool! And pretty aswell! I just hope she'd like a guy like me. See I have this uh Quirk? I just hope it doesn't mess things up for me again"

End of mike's confessional

We got to land and I made sure Cam was alright, "glad to help" I finished as I walked along the beach. I saw Mike with that girl I think her name was Zoey? I sat next to them and Dawn walked over aswell. "So stocked to be here, I've been watching total drama forever! And who knows maybe I'll even make some new friends" Zoey smiled, "yes that would be good considering you where an okay child am all" Dawn sighed. "What? Who told you that?" Zoey asked, "your soul reads like an open book! What such a loney childhood. It must have been difficult" Dawn said sadly to her. "That's creepy" I mumbled "mhm" mike agreed. "Oh and same with you Y/N, I wonder how did you manage with all the pre-" "LET'S NOT GO THERE!" I said quickly as I shut dawn's mouth using my hands.

Y/N confessional

"I'm not in the mood to have dawn exposing me on International Television"
End of confessional

The speakers went off. It was Chris "Attention fresh meat! See that trail leading into the Forrest? Race to the end of the trail and DO NOT disturb the wildlife!" Chris said through the speakers. "Did he just call us fresh meat?" I questioned to Zoey. "The tiniest sound can set them off. Like this!" Chris then played a very loud airhorn that then caught the attention of a giant creature! we saw trees falling and we all didn't hesitate and began running!

I made it alongside Jo and lightning. "Princess pressured, team B" he said to Me And honestly. I'm not complaining, Mike, Zoey and Cam were in it so I was good! Team B was known as the Mutant Maggots. And team A was the toxic rats "What's with all the references to Chemical waste?" Mike asked, then we heard the giant roar again! Mike, Zoey, Cam and I pulled each other into a group hug. Only to find out it was a squirrel. A mutant squirrel! Our first challenge was that we needed to cut down our team totems. Then ride them down the river and back to camp! And then the first team back would get their pick of the cabins. However the totems were rigged with bombs. Stupid Chris.

Jo started with jumped on the trampoline but she ended up in the water. Then Anne Maria tried and ended up going back and forth hitting the totem and the trampoline. Until Jo removed the trampoline. Then Brick tried and got stuck. "Aww man! This isn't working!" Mike yelled, I then heard him take a deep breath. I turned to him to try and calm him down but "Cut the dang rope already!" Mike yelled in an old man's voice. "That's what we're trying to do. Mike." Anne Maria yelled. "Mike? Names Chester Missy" mi- I mean Chester yelled. "What?" Me and Zoey said In unison.

Y/N confessional
"Chester? I thought his name was mike, but it's kinda funny, mike is so Odd but funny" I laughed "also I'm here for one reason and one reason only. Get that million and be allowed back in the house! My parents are very successful and want me to win, that's the only reason they let me do this"

End of confessional

"Back in my day we didn't need fancy sorse to cut ropes we just used stones!" Chester yelled as he the the stone which provoked the squirrel! We ran around trying to dodge the laser beams when it hit the rope and our totem was down!

We rode down the river, I was in the back next to Mike and Zoey was just in front of him. "They're gaining on us!" Jo yelled as she noticed the other team! "Ma'm it's my duty to inform you we have bigger problems!" Brick said calmly and he pointed towards a waterfall! "My first waterfall!" Cameron yelled. "And Mabye our last!" Chester yelled back as we fell down! As it hit the ground the totem kept sliding and I fell off! I held onto something "Shoot! Guys a little help?!?" I yelled in slight fear for my life. Chester looked back then hid voice changed back to Mike, "Y/N! Hold on tight!" He yelled as he pulled me back on! "Okay, Thanks Mike, I owe you" I smiled as I held onto him. "Any time" he smiled sheepishly. Then somehow the other team got Infront of us! They had won. If our hadn't blown up the better cabin causing them to loose.

Y/N confessional

"Soooo Mike, he really saved me back there" I smiled. Then I realized something. "F/N I know your watching this wipe that grin off of your face or so help me-"

End of confessional

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