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We won the last challenge! I was in my Pajamas and Sierra was tucking in her phone. Me and Courtney exchanged a look. Sierra was just as creepy as she was in season 3. Me and Courtney had a mixed kind of relationship we Both shared a concern about how creepy Sierra is.

The next day we sat at breakfast. It was amazing! I've never tasted anything so perfect, as Courtney was complaining to the butler me and the others exchanged a look. I grabbed some of my breakfast off my plate and hid it In my pockets. We had decided to smuggle Sam some breakfast. If you are on exile in bony Island then you'd probably be starving in the morning as well.

We began to walk towards our next challenge. I looked up ahead to see Courtney staring at Gwen. "Hey Courtney, focus on walking to the challenge, or it'll look like your obsessed" I said as I pulled her ahead and away from Gwen.

Y/N confesional:

"I'm not trying to get involved with the Courtney and Gwen drama but the last thing I want is for Courtney to screw up a challenge because she's so focused at death starring Gwen."

End of confessional

"Please welcome back, exiled hamster:

Sam!" Chris announced "hey same, how was exile?" Zoey asked "aside from the blinding hunger and bear attacks, pretty good actually-" then sam fell to the floor! We all ran towards him. "don't worry buddy, we snuggled you breakfast" Mike smiled as we handed Sam the peices of breakfast from earlier. "You bots are expert level awesome! Maple bacon power pellets" Sam smiled as he took some bacon.

"Welcome to today's experiment with your pain thresholds. Get ready for an ingenious twist on the war movie challenge from season 2 there are two weapons cachets in the heart of the forest the big one is filled with and the little one has a bunch of cruddy old paintball slingshots. Whoever gets their first gets their pick and then you've got to pick off the competition" Chris explained. "Looking forward to it." Courtney said as she glared at Gwen. "Hey focus!" I said as I clicked my fingers in her face. Once she had turned back I mouthed an apology to Gwen. "You get 1 point for each opponent you splatter the first team to 6 points wins and one of the losers will get a dishonourable discharge tonight the flush oh Shame style" Chris grinned. "Paintball again? Original. What a twist" Duncan said sarcastically "oh yeah about that. One of the conditions of my parole is is I can't use or be around higher projectiles like paintballs, so instead you'll be using...Leeches!" Chris announced! "As winners of yesterday's challenge the heroes get a full one minute head start ready set go!" He yelled. We immediately ran into the woods, I'm praying I don't get hit by a leech. That would be a nightmare.

We ran through the woods trying to find out crate. "Move it! Hustle! Or so help me you'll never see another sunrise!" Courtney yelled at Mike and Sierra. "Watch it." I said as we continued to run. "Does anyone where the heart of the forest is exactly???" Seirra asked. "I'll go get a better look!" Zoey smiled as she began to climb the trees, just as good as last season. I kinda flinched though.


I was running to find somewhere to hide desperately. But In the process I found Zoey. How did I find her? As I was walking she lunged at me! "Zoey! Zoey it's me!" I yelled as I tired to kick her off. Then she stopped. "Y/N" she said as she helped me.

End of flashback

"Over there!" Zoey yelled as we began to run again. "Need Dekota. She can carry me around like gameguy" Sam said. "That makes sense because-" "you are a real life game guy" Seirra continued as she dropped Sam. I immediately picked him up and me and Mike continued to run. "The big one! Go for the big one!" Courtney yelled. Suddenly the villains ran and blocked the big one from us! "Whoa! Where'd they come from?" Mike asked "the small one! Go for the small one!" Courtney yelled as we grabbed the small crate. We found out slingshots and amo. A bucket of leeches. "Ew!" I yelled as I held the bucket. "Guess this is the low tech crate" Mike said as Sierra began to hug her bucket. I then looked at the villains. They had machine guns and a freaking Cannon! "Guys we should run, like NOW!" I yelled as we began to run the other way.

"Of cours the villains got machine guns. We'll never beat them with these puny slingshots" Courtney said as we walked. "sure we can, if we're stealthly and score first!" Cam and Seirra smiled. "Ew nerd love. If you kiss Infront of me I'll throw up" Courtney scoffed. "Oh don't worry, we're just friends right Sierra?" Cam smiled. But Sierra looked very confused. "Uh Yeah Co- CARMEN! All good!" She smiled. "A cave! Sam could hide in there while we take on the rest of the villains!" I smiled as I looked at the cave.

We put Sam down inside of the cave. "Should someone stay to Gaurd him?" Mike asked. "I'll do it, I owe him for not bringing him some breakfast" Courtney said. So with that decided we left the cave. "We have to find the villains before they find us" Zoey said. "Stealthly Forrest maneuvers? Sounds like a job for Svetlana!" Mike smiled but nothing happened. "Svetlana? You there?" I asked "nope. Still me." Mike sighed. "Hey we'll figure it out, but for now let's just focus on the challenge" I said as I held his hand "okay" he smiled as I let go.

I was walking around the Forrest, slingshot in hand. This was terrifying! Suddenly Zoey ran past me! "Zoey, got anyone?" I asked "yeah, Alejandro" she smiled. "That's good, I haven't had the chance yet" I said as we hid behind a bush. "Well that's okay, as long as you try that's the main thing" she smiled. "thanks Zoey. You're one of my closet freinds" I smiled "same here" she smiled back. Then I heard a rustle in the bushes. I stood up and saw the villains. I got a leech and aimed at Heather. And I hit her! I immediately ducked again and the other villains ran past us! I gave Zoey a silent high five and she ran off. And a few moments later we won! However no thanks to Courtney Sam got a bunch of leeches to the face. If we had lost I probably would've voted her.

We sat in the peanut gallery as they voted. And that's when we found out that while Sam was in exile someone broke Sam's Gameguy! Then I saw Cameron getting a foot rub from Sierra. Oh Poor Cameron. Goodluck buddie. And as a result of this Cam volunteered for Exile. "Goodluck Cam" I smiled "he's so small Mabye the animals won't notice him?" Mike said nervously. And Jo was voted out. And then Duncan and Courtney switched teams. And now Duncan is on our team! Well this'll hopefully go well.

We were back in the spa hotel and I sat next to Mike. "Hey Y/N" he smiled "Mike you okay? Your personalities haven't been coming out recently and I've noticed it's kind of affecting you" I said "I'll be fine, it'll figure itself out. Hopefully" he said. I kissed him on the cheek. "jus promise me that if anything happens you'll tell me" I said. "I promise" he said.

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