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I sat with Lightning. "So our agreement still stands right?" I asked "sha-yeah" he said as he was playing basketball. "But if he gets immunity we vote eachother" I said. "Uh-huh" he said again. "Are you focusing?" I asked. "Mhm" he said. I sighed. This is why Jo hated him isn't it. Then I left to find either cam or Zoey. Then Scott pulled me over. "hey Y/N" he smiled "eat dirt Scott" I scoffed. "Mabye later, listen. How about we vote lightning" he asked. "Hmmmmm, no." I said. "Would you rather go against a super Jock?" He asked "super Jock is better than an annoying, shark phobiad, dirt eating moron like yourself." I said as I walked away.

"Challenge time! And and since you've been abused so flagrantly today's challenge is go super safe fun challenge!" He announced. "What's your definition of safe?" I asked "get ready for bubbles, flowers and cotton can-" before he could finish he got flung Into the air and trapped in the bathrooms thanks to one of Scott's traps. "Remember your nasty challenges chef? The ones that got the red light? The light just turned green" Chris called from the bathroom stalls. "I'll bring the pain" Chef laughed evilly. Thanks Scott. Thanks Alot.

We all stood in front of some outdoor mini kitchens "listen up dirt bags, I'm gonna push you till you break then I'll take the filthy little broken bits and give them another good break! no wimps are going to make it to my finale. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Chef yelled. "First challenge the cook-off. Bring in the TD classic competitor" chef announced as DJ got pushed in on a box mover. Once the blindfold was off he was in pure shock. "No. NOT HERE! I vowed to never be back as long as there was air inside my lungs!" DJ cried. "your contract says otherwise!" Chef yelled as he shoved the contract in the poor guy's face. "You slime with buckets are gonna cook something tasty and this bag of Nash will be the judge you've got 20 minutes to make a tasty lunch with whatever you can find on the island! I believe in eating locally. ready?" He asked. "GET COOKING!' He yelled as we ran.

I ran around the Forrest. "Where is anything in this Forrest?" I asked as I looked around. Then I saw weird glowy apples on the trees. "I could try making an apple pie" I shrugged as I grabbed the apples. Once I got back I started work and it wasn't looking to bad! "Three two one! Spatulas down! Dish it up cupcakes MOVE MOVE MOVE!" he yelled as we walked up to DJ. Cam Went first, Zoey second and then it was my turn. "I made a toxic apple pie" I smiled. Then my pastry started to glow and that freaked him out. Then Lightning and finally Scott. Scott's dish did it and DJ ran for it. "Rule change! You've got to eat all your own weird grub, your hurl you loose" Chef yelled.

I began to eat my Apple pie. It tasted really weird. But it wasn't as bad as I originally thought. Scott and I finished eating rather quickly. "challenge is over! Scott and Y/N win" Chef yelled. "That's why they don't have to wear one of these tracking collars" chef finished. "Challenge part 2 I give you dork hunter. The challenge is simple you the darks I'm the hunter you run off into the woods I hunt you down first dork to the flag pole wins. Pray that you make it. Before the dork hunter blasts you into a whole new dimension of pain!" He yelled. Then Chef demonstrated how his weapon worked.

Y/N confesional:

"It's challenges like this that make you wonder how this show is still here! Welp at least I'm not wearing one of those collars"

End of confessional

You got 20 minutes to run, hide and say your prayers. NOW MOVE OUT!" He yelled as we ran into the Forrest. I ran into the woods and far away from people.

Zoey confesional:

"Tracking collars? This combined with Mike and Y/N dating I've just about had it with this show"

End of confessional

I was running to find somewhere to hide desperately. But In the process I found Zoey. How did I find her? As I was walking she lunged at me! "Zoey! Zoey it's me!" I yelled as I tired to kick her off. Then she stopped. "Y/N" she said as she helped me. "Wow you look different" I said "no kidding Sherlock" she said. "Wow okay what happened?" I asked "shut it. Unless you want to get caught by Chef" she said. "Speaking of Chef-" I said as I pulled her into a bush. "Stay here" she ordered as she climbed the tree. "This show has broken that poor girl" I mumbled as she chased Chef away. I stood up and began running. I showed up to watch Scott getting hit with a bolder! He deserved it. I began gunning for the finish but one of Zoey's arrows flew past chef and pinned my clothes to the tree! "Watch where you're shooting!" I yelled. Then Lightning ran past with Cam on his back! And as he was gloating Cam hit the pole and won immunity!

We all sat at the campfire. Scott was way too injured to continue so he was already gone. So that meant that me and lightning had to vote for each other. That's not too worrying though. Zoey, Cam and I are friends so lightning is probably going home. Chef handed the marshmallows to Zoey, and Cam. "And the loser going home is..." Chef started. We waited in anticipation. 'Goodbye lightning' I thought. "Y/N" Chef finished. "What?" I asked as I stood up. "Wait I know lightning voted for me but then who else-" then I looked at Zoey. "Zoey? You voted for me?" I asked. She shrugged. "Okay...bye then" I said as I walked towards the catapult. My parents are going to kill me.

"I've been waiting to be the hurl master" Chef chuckled evily. "And you'll continue to wait" Chris smiled as he flew down using his jetpack. "Any final words Y/N?" He asked "yeah **** you Chris-" my last words turned to screams as I was catapulted away.

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