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I was so happy! Me and Mike were dating! And it wasn't a dream! What can go wrong now! "You seem happy" Zoey smiled as she sat on my bunk. "Can you blame me? Me and-" I the caught myself. I haven't told Zoey or anyone because she'd be really hurt! "Nevermind" I said quickly. "no tell me" she smiled. I sighed. "Okay me and-" then Chris sounded a very weird sounding alarm. We walked outside "GOOD MORNING CAMPERS today we have a very special treat" Chris smiled. We all shouted what we thought it was going to be but Chris then said it was the merge! And then Chris dropped a giant weight in our cabin! "Our clothes and stuff are in there!" I yelled  "yep and because I'm nice and not heartless I'll help you get it out" he smiled as he threw a tiny pickaxe at us and flew away on a helecoptor.

We tried to get our clothes back but nothing. Zoey was using the pickaxe and I was trying to use my hands. Nothing. "Hey Y/N! I found a spare pair of Bricks boots if you want them" Mike smiled as he threw them up at me. "thanks Mike" I smiled. "Your so sweet Mike, especially since you've stopped doing those charecters" Zoey added. Then I took the boots and they smelt horrible! So horrible I fell. And Mike caught me bridal style! "Thanks, how many times have you saved me?" I asked "I don't keep count, but anytime" he smiled as he put me down. Zoey looked at us with suspicion.

Y/N confessional:
"Mike is always Saving me and I don't know how I can thank him, I don't know how I'll tell Zoey about me and Mike though... I'm sure it'll be fine"

Zoey confessional:

"What's with Y/N and Mike recently? They've been talking alot more than usual, Does Y/N like Mike? Nah she knows I still haven't gotten over him. Right?"
End of confessionals

"Challenge time! Today it's all about grabbing them and tagging them, and to show you how it's done I give you total drama's favorite juvenile delinquent Duncan! Duncan owes me some camera time for skipping out in total drama world tour. So! I saved an extra painful challenge demo just for him" he smiled "eat dirt McLean!" He yelled. "No. That's your job! First up the smash and grab! hidden somewhere in the mess hall kitchen are 6 keys to chefs prize collection of vintage Go-karts." Chris explained. "Demo time Duncan!" He yelled as Chef let him out. But in doing so Duncan began running. Understandable.

Mike POV:
Scott pulled me over to him. "here's the deal, you help me win today's challenge and I won't tell the girls the truth about your funny characters" he said. "How do you know about that!?!" I yelled I'm confusion. "Sorry" cam said.

Mike POV:
"Scott! Of all the people to find out! I don't mind Zoey knowing but Y/N! She'll dump me! Mabye I could just tell her. She can handle multiple personalities right?" I asked

Chester POV:

"Sure. And my saggy old butt will get crowned miss Canada! 🎶Here I am miss Canada🎶"

End of confessional

I looked towards Mike to see he was with Scott. Hopefully it wasn't anything to bad. Besides I'm still working out how I can tell Zoey about me and Mike. "Players! Commence smashing and or grabbing now!" He yelled as we began running. We ran into the kitchen and I was looking through cabinets then I saw something weird. Mike was helping Scott. Then a giant Mutent cockroach jumped on Mike's face! "Mike!" I yelled as I pulled it off him. "You okay?" I asked "I am now" he smiled back. "Mike!" Scott called. "Got to go" he said as he walked towards Scott. Then I saw Zoey wasn't doing to good and helped her! "Thanks Y/N" she smiled. "Anytime" I replied. I've decided to be nice to Zoey and hope that'll help things when I tell her. Then I heard Scott call my name. "What's up?" I asked "nothing!" Mike yelled a he gave him his key.

Once I found my key we made our way to the Go-karts. Mike was hanging around Scott. What's going on??? I know I said to wait until the competition was done but I didn't mean to blank me!

"Say hello to challenge part 2! Extreme chef auto! You've each been given a can of spray paint and a GPS map of the island your mission? race your go-karts are around The Island and be first two graffiti tag three landmarks the rock wall of mount looming disaster the spooky tree in the haunted forest and the tippy top of a giant totem pole oh and the go-karts you'll have to steal them from chef. The first player to completely tag all three landmarks wins immunity and they will get to choose who will be eliminated" he said. "And go!" He yelled.

We watched as Chef clicked his fingers. He had the karts surrounded with Lazer squirrels! We all screamed and I ran to help Zoey! "Here!" I yelled as I pulled the squirrels out of her hair. "Let's go!" I yelled as we got into the karts.

Once we arrived at our first land mark I decided to try and say something. "Hey Zoey, we're freinds right?" I asked "of course" she smiled "and I can tell you anything right?" I asked "of course you can" she smiled. Then we ran back to the karts. "Okay" I smiled as we began to drive. We managed to get the second one pretty easily! "He Zoey I'll let you get Immunity if we win okay?" I asked as we ran back to our Karts "okay" she smiled as we drove. But when I looked back I saw Scott's kart being pulled by Mike's! Then I found out we had a new fourth landmark. We climbed the totem pole and Zoey got the mark first. We looked down and saw Mike giving Scott a boost. "Scott leave him alone!" I yelled "Mike help yourself not him!" Zoey yelled. "I am, honest" he said. Zoey climbed down and I was doing mine. "Okay! Done!" I smiled. Suddenly I felt a spray can hit my face and I fell! "Scott that was Low! Even by your standers!" I yelled as I held on! Then Scott ripped off Mike's shirt and Vito began fronting! I get it now. Scott was blackmailing Mike! "Scott!" I yelled I'm anger. "Why are you mad at Scott!?! Mike was the one that left you" she yelled up at me. "Because he has- hold on! If I tell you this promise not to tell anyone?" I yelled down. "Fine! Just jump and I'll catch you!" She yelled as I jumped. She caught me like she promised. "I think Mike has multiple personality disorder" I whispered. "what? Oh that explains alot" she whispered back. "And Scott is taking advantage of it!" I yelled as we ran to the karts.

Once we pulled up to tried to find Mike, Zoey ran up to the rock and I found him. he was knocked out! "Mike!" I yelled I'm cornsern! I ran towards him and he was defenetly out. "Mike! Can you hear-" then he started to fight himself! "Oh shoot! Mike are you there?" I yelled. Suddenly he woke up! "Mike!" I yelled in relief. "Are you okay?" I asked. "better than okay. I won!" He smiled. "Won? Won what?" I asked. He stood up and held my hands.
"Y/N. I know I should've told you this ages ago but I have-" "multiple personality disorder? Yeah I figured it out ages ago" I smiled. "You did?" He asked. "Yeah I did, it was kind of obvious to figure out" I smiled, "does Zoey know?" He asked "yeah I told her a few minutes ago" I smiled. "So you still feel the same about me? Even after the whole multiple personalities thing?" He asked "is that even a question? Of course I do, if I knew all this time which I did and I still like you" I smiled "more personalities is more Mike to love" I smiled as I pulled him into an embrace. Our embrace was interrupted by Chris's statue blowing up! It was only satisfying.

We sat at the campfire. And sadly since Scott arrived first he got to choose who to eliminate. "Hm eeny meeny miny mo, who's the biggest loosyo" Scott smirked at us. "It's Mike" he finished. My heart dropped. Once Mike was at the catapult I ran over. "Mike, I'll miss you" I smiled as we held hands. "Here, it's something to remember me by" he smiled as he gave me a necklace with his face on it. "Mike it's beautiful" I smiled. "I have time for a Goodby kiss" he smiled. We leaned in for a kiss but he was catapulted away! I held onto the necklace tight. Now Mike wasn't here time to step up my game.

Amazing (Mike x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang