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I woke up to find we weren't in the cabins. It took me a few seconds to realized but as soon as I did I woke up and began panicking! "Guys! We're not in the Cabins!" I yelled as everyone woke up. We were in Rafts that were floating in the water! "Where are we!?" Mike yelled "Chris must have set us a drift once we fell asleep" Zoey said as she pointed to the island. "God damn it Chris!" I yelled. Then we realized that Chef made us fall asleep at dinner thanks to the Mutent turkey! "Great. Now we're gonna be some stupid sharks dinner" Scott said as we looked at the water. "I doubt there'll be sharks out here" I said nervously. "Yeah he probably can't find us in all this junk" Mike agreed. I looked away from Mike. Yesterday's kiss was still in my mind and I do not want to hurt Zoey. "He sweet hat" Mike said as he put on a fadora. Then Manitoba started to front! "G'day Sheila" Manitoba said as he walked towards me. I looked at Zoey and she looked a bit upset. "Uh-" then Cam threw me and Zoey in the water! "Hey!' I yelled from the water. "Sorry I tripped" he lied.

Y/N Confessional:

"That's a lie. Why is he helping Mike hide is personality's?"

End of confessional

Mike helped me out the water and I helped Zoey. Once she walked away Mike looked at me. "Y/N about yesterday-" "what about yesterday" I lied. "The k-" "hey we need to focus on getting back to the island let's work on that shall we?" I said quickly as I walked to the other side of the boat. "What's going on with you and Mike?" Zoey asked. "Nothing!" I lied Then Chris pulled up. And Dikota proceeded to mutate! Her new hair was green and she was taller, I was kind of scared. And we found out that someone had the invincibility statue. Great. Just what I needed to hear.


I've added some parts to other chapters i'd read it it'll make more sense for this chapter it's chapter 5 and 3


I've continued to look for that invincibility to look for that invincibility statue and someone's found it!?! Damn it. "Speaking of digging things up today's challenge is all about winning the ultimate reward! Life itself!" He yelled. "Your first challenge is to race to the shore by any means possible first team there wins a handy reward last team gets a heinous penalty before you embark on a quest for buried treasure" he announced. Then Dikota scared the crap out of Chris and the game began.

"We gotta do what the rats are doing" Mike said as we began trying to take the sign off. And threw a fit of rage Dikota ripped it off the raft and threw it! "Wow, sorry this whole Mutent thing is totally stressing me out, hold me?" Dikota asked Zoey. I've seen the stuff Chris put her through I think she needed it. "Aw man we're toast" Mike said. "Dikota didn't mean to strand is" Zoey said as Dikota hugged her. "Your a good friend, even if your hairs all wrong" Dikota smiled at her. 'why does everyone say that about her hair?' I thought. "If we want to catch up we'll have to get in the water and kick!" Mike said to us. "No way! Remember the shark?" Scott said. "I was on the swim team but I don't think swimming in that water with a mutated shark is a good idea-" I was cutt off by Mike pushing Scott in the water! "Mike!" I yelled as I jumped in after him. I can't stand Scott but it's not a good idea for him to do this alone. Then Mike jumped next to me. "The faster we get to shore the faster your out of the water!" He said to him as we began to kick.

And then we saw something horrifying! A giant squid! But Scott still being scared of sharks started screaming at the sight of Fang! "Of for the love of-" then Chester started to front. "That fools gonna get us killed!" He yelled. Then Dikota punched fang! As Zoey was talking to Dikota we got back on the boat. "Guys we still have a bit of a squid problem" I said as I pointed to the giant squid! "Guys get to the back of the boat! Hey jelly brains! I bet you couldn't smash me if you tried!" Cam yelled. "wait cam!" I yelled but as it hit us it blasted us to shore!

Dikota was officially mutated! And she tried to kill Chris. Which is fair. Especially with the challenge he gave us. HE BURIED QWEN ALIVE! "Chris to far!" I yelled "yeah burying someone alive is seriously dangerous!" Mike agreed. And to Dikotas horror he also buried Sam! Oh I can hear the lawsuits now. Dikota was getting even more mutated! "Hey! Let's calm down we're going to find him" I smiled at her nervously.  "Dikota going to Kill Chris!" She yelled. "go!" Chris yelled as we ran towards the Forrest.

"There's a path around the swamp but it'll take to long" Mike said as he held the map. "The rats don't know that" Scott smirked. "Then let's go!" I yelled as we began to run. "Oh man Sam's probably suffocating by now" Scott said. "Not helping-" "SAM! I SAVE YOU!' Dikot yelled as she dove into the swamp water. Dropping Zoey.

As we walked through the swamp Mike was  trying to talk to me but I knew what this was about. I'm not going to discuss the kiss. I can't! I know he likes someone eles and that someone is not me! Then Scott began walking beside me. "hey Y/N" he whispered. "What Scott?" I asked. I really don't trust the guy. I fully believe there's a reason he was out on the rats team and he proves my point ever day. "Why do defencive?" He asked "in all honesty I really don't trust you" I said to him. "Like how Zoey Doesn't truth you?" He asked. I stopped. "What? Zoey and I trust eachother" I said "well she doesn't. She knows there's something with you and Mike" he smirked "there's nothing with me and Mike and they're will never be anything with me and Mike" I lied. "Mhm sure. Well I did try and propose and Alliance but if you don't trust me then I guess it's no use" he smirked as he walked away. Zoey doesn't trust me? No. He's probably messing with my head. Right?

Then I looked over to Zoey and she was standing on a Mutent crocodile! "We can hide in the tree!" Cam yelled. We ran over, Zoey got up first, then Scott, Cam and now Mike was trying but the Crocodile came faster! "Mike no pressure but hurry!" I yelled "I'm trying!" He yelled back the. Svetlana started to front, she swung up and landed perfectly on the tree. The crocodile was still coming! "Help!" I yelled in a panic. Dispute my parents forcing me to do gymnastics for a few years I am nowhere near svetalnas level so I couldn't swing up like she did! Then Mike grabbed my hand and pulled me up! But Dikota helped us! "Come on! Sam and Qwen don't have much air left" Mike said to us. Then we realized the map and compass where gone! But Cam remembered that out goal was to the north and moss grows on the north side! So e ran that way! And then Mike hit caught in the Thorns and Vito came out! "Anne Maria!" He yelled. I ran over and pulled his shirt down. "Mike, I understand you want to practice your impressions but we have a challenge" I lied. Cam looked very confused as to why I'm playing along but went with it. I then ran to help Zoey but she was with Scott. They began digging at a very far spit from where Jo and Lighting began to dig. And annoyingly they found Qwen and Sam. "Over here ay Scott?" I asked.  Then Dikota broke into the coffin and threw Qwen and saved Sam. Zoey talked to Mike about the voting and we all walked towards the ceremony.

Mike pulled me over. "listen I know you're avoiding me but who are you voting for?" He asked "Scott" I answered. "Cool. Hey about yesterday-" I then walked off. And Dikota and Sam kissed! Tonight me, Mike and Cam voted Scott. But he found the stupid totem! "That's where it went!" I yelled. "Yep" he smirked as he popped the p. I glared at Scott and he smirked back. Ugh I hate that guy! And thanks to Zoey Dikota was voted off.

I was walking around when I felt an arm grab mine and pull me behind the cabin. "What the-" it was Mike. "Mike, hey" I dad Akwardly. "Y/N. Wether you wanted to or not we needed to talk about yesterday" he said to me. "What's there to discuss" I lied. "we both know" he said to me. I sighed. "Fine. I admit it. I like you Mike more than freinds. And I know you like someone eles and me kissing you was dumb! If you don't want to see me again I don't blame you" I said as I turned to leave but he held my hand. "Y/N. I didn't realize until you kissed me. I feel the same" he smiled at me. My face went red. "Your not lying?" I asked "no, we- I feel the same" he smiled. 'should I tell him about the fact I know about his multiple personality disorder? No. I want him to tell me on his own. I want him to feel like he can trust me' I thought as I hugged him. "One problem. The show" I said as I let go. "What about it?" He asked "listen I really want to date you but not in the show, I want to win the money you want to win the money but in order to I might need to punch you so let's pause until after the show okay?" I asked. "yeah" he smiled.

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