Chapter 20 - The Hot Springs

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The air of the afternoon was crisp against Kennedy's face as she watched bubbles rise to the surface of the lowest bathing pools. From the safety of the wide ledge, she extended her toes and touched the heated water. She had heard of hot springs, but this was the first one she had ever seen. The steaming pools invited her sore body. Raised a city girl, using outside water to get clean didn't make sense, but no one had offered her an indoor shower. As she swished her toes, a mineral taste suffused her mouth.

Thanks to Sandy's mom, their girl scout troop had camped inside to earn their badges. For most of Kennedy's life, she had avoided opportunities that involved encountering bugs. They had set up tents in the Mason's hall for their camping badges. Kennedy wasn't comfortable with nature. The wild seemed unpredictable and dangerous. Holding on to Terry's arm, she submerged her foot briefly to her ankle, before shaking the water off. The bubbling pool was warm as bathwater.

Devoid of her hesitation, Terry grunted happily and peeled off his shirt. His muscles pulled and corded across his shoulders under his tawny skin. When she slid her hand along his back, he murmured with pleasure. They might have a little time.

Looking over his shoulder, down at her, he arched a dark brow as his hands unfastened his jeans. With a mischievous grin curving her lips, Kennedy pulled off her sweat-stained t-shirt, glad to be rid of it. Making quick work of removing her disgusting pants and underwear, she tossed the stiff fabric to the far edge of the stone where her shoes rested. Her pants should be burned. Naked, she slid into the natural pool with dried blood flaking off her skin.

Engulfed in the bubbling water, her spirit sang with joy at the heat. Longing to scrape the blood flakes and fear sweat from her body, Kennedy sank deep and then under. Maybe she could be a mermaid the next time they tripped. To have a setup like this, the drugs this community produced had to be expensive. When she surfaced, Terry reached for her. His rough palms skimmed across her skin as he drew her closer, leaving a tingling path.

The heat surrounding her body caused the crisp air against her face to feel like feather-light kisses. Delighted, she rolled like an otter and came to settle against him within the ring of his arms with her back against his chest. He slid his calloused fingers across her, sweeping her skin. Playfully, he cupped her breasts as she relaxed in his embrace, allowing her body to float in the bubbling heat. Restless, his hands roamed across her and she closed her eyes with pleasure.

The sound of a clearing throat startled Kennedy, and she instinctively brought one hand up to cover herself. David stood by the edge of the pool close to their clothes, twisting a ball cap in his hands. With his cheeks flushed, he looked vulnerable and full of longing.

"I know I ain't got no right to ask, Miss." David looked toward Terry. "And I know you don't need my help." He shrugged helplessly. "But I figured there might not be any harm in asking."

Not sure she was really understanding, Kennedy glanced up at the Vet. Was this mountain boy wanting to join them in a carnal fashion? The Vet gave her a sexy smile and lifted his shoulders briefly.

"My choice?" Kennedy asked. Terry nodded and leaned down and kissed her bare shoulder. She looked at the boy, whose dick was clearly straining for freedom in his jeans. Cap crumpled in his hands, David politely waited as she lay back in the water and thought about it. These new rules appealed to her. She lifted her hand and crooked her finger, inviting the young man to join them. He gave a youthful whoop and immediately began peeling off his clothes. His eagerness made him clumsy, and he nearly fell into the pool. When he was finally naked, farmer's tan exposed in all its glory, he splashed into the water with his rigid cock bobbing merrily.

When he reached out toward her, his hand touched her foot with reverence, as if she was holy. Terry pressed his mouth into the curve of her neck and Kennedy closed her eyes in bliss. His hot kisses were followed by the heat of his open mouth. The cradle of his powerful arms made her feel secure.

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