Chapter 72 - She Will Not Die Before Me

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"Be silent, girl!" Ba slapped her hand flat on the table. "This is my community. We cannot take this type of risk."

Old Joe tried to take her hand, but she jerked it away from him. His face crumpled at her rejection and he did not reach for her again, instead he spoke, "The vote has been taken. She lives. Beloved, sometimes, risk is necessary for growth."

A rush of air burst from Kennedy. In relief, her heart beat recklessly in her chest, a wild bird freed. In response, Little Bear, sent a sprinkle of bright sparkles through her belly. She placed her hand over the slight swell that marked the ocean he lived in. Not now, my friend.

Angry, Ba thrust her arm in David's direction. "And her men who were so foolish and reckless? What of them?" Her grandson flinched and bowed his head.

"Ba, please. They are good men. Once they knew she had caught, they sheltered her and brought her to a place of safety. Would you have it become a law that men can imprison women at will? If we are to survive as a people, there has to be room for people to make mistakes. There must be a choice. And justice."

"How many 'mistakes' can we survive, old man? Shall I just stand by and allow such recklessness? We will be hunted again, driven to the edges of the world."

One woman in the ring offered, "Humans were never the real danger to us. Kind killing kind has always been our greatest sorrow. That has been what most diminished our numbers." She gestured toward the trembling Kennedy. "They will have a child soon, and their family cluster will be focused on that. They won't have time to be seeking out more trouble. Do we have so many children that we can throw away the one she carries?"

Ba pushed her chair back and stood up. "My whole life, I have worked to protect this community. To keep us safe. To keep us hidden. Hear me. If this is not stopped now, change will happen."

"Change is already happening. We have heard about similar awakenings along the east coast," the Wolf said. "That girl, raised among sheep, turned her circle without losing her mind. That shouldn't have been possible as one of the Lost. She is here now, whatever heritage she comes from."

Pointing southward, Ba spit on the stone floor. "Her mother is out there now, wandering the edges of our territory. Forever, only in her bear shape, living as a kin killer. Her father mouldered into the ground, too weak to keep his woman safe. And you say this is a bloodline that should be allowed to continue."

The fierce leader stared straight at Kennedy, who found her courage. Kennedy drew herself tall, the claw marks on her side stinging, a bead of blood wound down her chilled skin under the loose fabric of her pants. A stitch or two would help hold her together. She would fight for her family. The idea of her mother, out in the woods, still alive, even in that way, strengthened her. "If I had known what I do now, I would not have made the same choices. Free my men to me. Give me Red's body to take home. We will leave you and this godforsaken mountain alone."

"You ask too much. Are you certain these men want to go with you?"

She looked toward David, who gave her a reassuring nod.

"Yes. I am."

Ba looked at each of the gathered council and grimaced, allowing the choice of the whole to define the moment. "There is no body to give you. When they went to gather the red-haired one, after you and your crew of misfits were contained, the body was gone."

Skin icy, Kennedy stiffened with fury. "What?"

"There is nothing that can be done." She flicked her fingers toward David as if in dismissal, "You leave behind you too many wounded to count. I have no trackers to spare. Use his useless cousin if you are so determined to gather his bones from whatever animal drug him away. I'm sure a city boy tracker can get the job done." The smile that touched her lips was dangerous. Ba wasn't used to not getting her way.

Anger boiled in Kennedy. She dug her nails into her palms to keep her tongue in check. She and this woman were not done, not by a long shot, but today was not the day. "When can we leave?"

"Now." Ba gestured to the way out.

"And David."

"My grandson won't be..."

"Ba." David's voice was steady and firm. "She will not die before me." He touched his fingertips to his heart. "She accepted my ring. I am her man, before I am your grandson. I will not be parted from my child, or my brothers." Anger radiated from his quiet, firm voice. "Free the two remaining men you have not killed. Let my family go in peace." Old Joe smiled.

Ba's shoulders slumped. Sorrow flickered across her face before she hardened her features into a mask. "So be it." She dismissed them with a wave. Stiff backed, she left the circle of the council and the room, ripping back the curtain.

In the Woods, BearsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin