Chapter 39 - Three Cats and Two Bears

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The way his breath washed hot and unsteady across her cheek as he unfastened his pants caused her to tremble. His need was an aphrodisiac. Eager to feel more of him, she slid her hands under his shirt and dragged her nails up across his chest. The density of his body felt delicious under her fingertips. When his touch slid up her thighs, Kennedy dropped her hands behind her and braced against the counter to lift her hips so he could slide her panties down her thighs.

Wetting her lips, she whimpered as he drew the wisp of damp cotton down her legs. Gods, she wanted him. Hungry and impatient, she reached out and pulled him closer. The hard tip of his rigid cock slid against her thigh and brushed her silky, wet center. As he pushed forward into her, her whole body vibrated with pleasure. The raw fullness made her sex ache with need. Gripping her hips in his wide hands, he slid deeply into her with a groan, lifting her from the counter in his eagerness. He was so strong.

Fingernails biting into the back of his neck, she held on, meeting and matching his passion. Bracing one hand behind her for leverage, she accidentally hit the tap. Wetness splattered across her wrist and soaked her hip, but she didn't care.

Arms tightening around her, he pulled her away from the splashing water and she found herself pinned to the wall, speared by her handsome beast. Wound around him, she hung on, eyes closed tightly as pleasure washed through her in waves, lifting her. As they moved together, they became oblivious to their surroundings. Mating like animals, full of need, she cried out as he thrust rhythmically into her. They had been apart too long. Pinning her tightly with his whole body, he rocked her into the cinderblock wall.

Her left foot found the edge of the counter and she twisted in his arms, moving her body to bring the pleasure to a white-hot place. The lines along her sides sparkled like fireworks, but she held herself together, resisting the urge to shift in his arms. The mirror rattled against the wall as he drove into her again and again. She barked out a desperate sound as pleasure ripped through her in a raw and much needed release. As she clawed his shoulders, her pleasure exploded into stars.

With his final forceful thrusts, he pinned her tightly to the wall. As his passion overcame him, he made deep rhythmic grunts, sounding like a bear even in his man shape. Breathless, she cupped his face in both her hands, watching him come.

Ribs moving like bellows, he released his grip on her thighs and let her slide her trembling legs down to the floor. Her thighs were shaking so badly she wasn't sure they would hold her weight. She had lost a shoe and her skin was steaming. With tendrils of her dampened hair clinging to her neck, she panted. "I've missed you."

He nodded and leaned down to touch his forehead to hers. With his fingertips, he pressed the center of his chest. "Come home."

Wincing, she admitted, "My Mom and Nana are at the hotel. I can't leave them."

Surprised, he drew back and her skirt fell down around her thighs. A section of the fabric clung to her as Terry reached over to turn off the running water.

"I'm pregnant, Terry."

That gave him pause. Focused on her face, he reached out and touched the back of his fingers to her belly. "Yes?" He spoke the word as if he was afraid to believe it. Sinking to his knees, he rested his cheek against her stomach and wound his arms around her. Touching his dark curls, she stroked her fingers through his thick hair. She hadn't known what to expect, but this wasn't what she had imagined. As he held her gently, she closed her eyes, while the heat and arousal in her body transformed into something more tender. He spoke against her belly softly in the low rumbling language.

When he was done, she turned his face up toward her. "What did you tell them?"

"Blessings to my boy."

In the Woods, BearsWhere stories live. Discover now