Chapter 56 - Saving Face

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Arms laden with groceries, Jeremiah walked beside her. Today was his day off, and he had come into town with her to pick up some things from the hardware store after they finished shopping. Feeding bears was hell on the grocery budget.

When they walked past the garage where both Jeremiah and Red worked. Kennedy asked, "Are they really giving him a hard time in there?"

"Yeah. I haven't said a thing. Even though I keep our situation private, it's obvious that he isn't with us. The guys are assuming that he couldn't perform. You've been seen wearing three grass rings, not four. You may think we are all backwoods bumpkins, but most of us can count to three." He gave her a toothy grin. "Things are slow around here. Any gossip gets well chewed."

"So they think he couldn't?"

"Yeah. He was pretty damn drunk when we all left. That's why I drove his truck."

"His dick works fine."

"They will only tease him more if he tries to defend himself. He's got to shut up and take it."

"That's not fair."

Jeremiah shifted his grip on the bags he was carrying. "Just so you know, that's the reason I ask him to come over. I mean... It's smart be cautious, because things have happened during pregnancies. Sometimes, sad things."

She slid one hand down over her belly. "I tell you what. Can you take the bags to the car, and I'll follow along in a minute or two?"

"Sure, did you forget something?"

"No. I need to fix a misconception." She placed the potted herbs she was carrying into the top of one of the paper bags in his arms. "In fact, visit the hardware store without me. I'll meet you at the car." She squeezed his arm and turned back in the direction of Red's workplace. He might be an asshole, but he was their asshole.


The car bays were all open, and she recognized Red bent over a car, working on a Buick by his ass and his worn boots. The sound would probably carry. So anything she said would be heard by the guy behind the rack of tires, even with him mostly hidden. Perfect. She took a deep breath and then, with her most beguiling walk, she headed directly toward Red. "So this is where you've been hiding, asshole."

Red straitened and stuck his head on the underside of the hood. Grumbling, he set down his wrench and turned toward her. Wiping off his hands, he said, "What the hell do you want, brat?"

"I want to know why you are avoiding the rest of us." She put her hands on her hips and did the best angry girlfriend impression she could.

He tilted his head and touched the spot he'd struck against the metal. "I don't know what you are talking about. Aren't women supposed to like it when a man has a job?"

Stepping forward into his space, she placed a hand on his chest. Her thigh brushing his, she asked, "Are we alone?" She could feel his heartbeat quicken under her palm.

"I think the guys are at lunch. What are you on about?"

She spread both her hands open on his chest and slid them slowly down to his waist. "I'm asking you why you always make me wait?" She wet her lips. "You stay away too much. I don't like it."

Arching one brow, he flicked his gaze toward the tires. "I have responsibilities, woman. You have three men at the cabin to give you attention."

"Red, you have responsibilities, too." She took one of his hands and placed it on her belly. "They aren't you." When he spread his hand protectively over her stomach, where there would soon be a bump, her skin prickled with pleasure. As she shifted closer, he placed his hands possessively on her hips. Kennedy didn't care if Red left grease marks on her jeans. His coworkers were assholes. The man's dick worked just fine. "The least you could do was kiss me after I walked all the way over here."

He looked at her, taking her measure, deciding, then he bent and kissed her, slow and easy. Male. Cigarettes. Mint. Heat spiraled through her like a snake. Languid and easy, he tasted her mouth, as he pulled her hips close in against his own, visible to the town in the open bay.

The deeper the kiss went, the less of an act it was. She could feel how hard he was against her belly, and she wanted to grind against him. Getting hard was definitely not his problem. When his hands glided up the back of her arms, warm and rough, she shivered with pleasure. He gripped her upper arms and set her back from him. "Easy girl, or you'll have me bending you over this Buick in front of the whole town.

Taking her time, she looked at his body, allowing her gaze to linger on his trapped cock. "Promises, promises." He growled low, and she was half tempted to push him to it and rut him in the bay. Instead, she took a step back, sliding free of his hands. Smoothing her hair back from her face, she said, "Remember what I said, asshole."

He quirked a smile at her. "You don't have to be a bitch. I'll come to the cabin more."

"Promise me?"

Pushing the display to another level, she slid her hand down her belly and cupped her sex through her jeans. "You've made me all wet. Are you sure you don't have a shop bathroom we could slip into?"

"Girl, I'll come up to the cabin tonight. Now get the hell out of here before you get me fired." He flicked his shop towel at her. "Go! It's Jeremiah's day off. If you absolutely can't wait, give him the first ride."

She wet her lips and slid her hands into her back pockets, giving him another long, slow look. "Tonight then." She turned from him and walked away with her hips swaying. "Don't make me come into town to remind you again."


She looked back over her shoulder.

"I'll bring you a venison roast tonight."

"Will you cook it, too?"

"After I fuck you until you can't remember how to complain about stupid shit when a man is trying to be reliable at his job. Now go on. I have work to do."

Smiling to herself, she strolled down the sidewalk. That should do it. Jeremiah waited beside the car. "The ice cream is melting," he said

"What I had to do was more important than ice cream."

"Oh?" he asked.

"Absolutely." She walked around to the passenger's side. "Your cousin is bringing a venison roast tonight." Kennedy slid into the car, amused by the surprised look on his face.


"I'll be right back," Kennedy called to Jeremiah when they returned to the cabin. "Do you mind taking the groceries in?" Before he could answer, she said, "I left something in the barn."

Digging through the can, she couldn't find it. In frustration, she upended the trash, spilling everything onto the dirt floor. Broken tools, trash, and two takeaway coffee cups. Having lost all of its green, she almost didn't recognize the little ring.

"Gotcha." She slid it onto her finger. There was a chance he might bring her another one, but the original seemed luckier. She slid it onto her finger and pulled out her wallet. Next to her parent's picture, the three other rings waited. One by one, she slid them onto her finger. Four was the luckiest number.

From the barn door, Jeremiah groaned. "We just got this place clean. Why did you dump the trashcan on the floor? Who raised you?" He was just about to say more when she held up her hand and showed him the four rings on her finger.

"You found Red's."

"I did. Do you think it's okay that I fished it out of the trash?"

"It's more than okay, Kendie." He came over, cupped her face, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Now will you please come inside and end an argument about where rice should be stored?"

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