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Chapter 8: Only You, Extraordinary

The days that followed that intense night were strangely calm. The mundane routines of school, homework, and cafeteria meals had returned. Minji couldn't help but wonder when Haerin might need more of her blood. She had managed to ask Haerin about it, treading carefully to avoid the topic spiraling into something more intimate.

There was a subtle fear lurking within Minji, a fear of surrendering herself completely to somebody else. She was young, with her whole life ahead of her. Yes, they were Mates, but that didn't mean Minji couldn't fall in love with someone else, right?

As she sat in class, staring at the back of Haerin's head, her mind wandered. She began to wonder about Haerin's past. What was it like to be a vampire? What were their customs and traditions? And most intriguingly, did biting someone always feel as good as it did when Haerin bit her? These thoughts swirled in her mind, like the hidden depths of an undiscovered ocean, waiting to be explored.

The melodious chime of the school bell signaled the end of the class. Minji gracefully rose from her seat and made her way towards the exit, the corridor bustling with students moving about, their chatter and laughter forming a harmonious symphony.

Reaching the oak tree where her friends usually gathered, she settled down, stretching her long limbs comfortably. "Hey guys," she greeted with a warm smile. But then, an unexpected question came from Hanni that caught her off guard.

"How do you know if someone likes you?" Hanni's inquiry hung in the air, leaving Minji momentarily bewildered. She nonchalantly shrugged in response. "How should I know?" The question took her by surprise, and she couldn't help but glance at Danielle.

Danielle, hiding her face behind a book, seemed to have anticipated Minji's reaction. Yet, Minji couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the book's spine – 'Twilight.' She arched an intrigued eyebrow, but before she could inquire further, Danielle hesitantly admitted, "There's this girl."

Hanni leaned forward, a mischievous grin forming on her face. "Go on," she encouraged, clearly eager to hear more. Minji, however, averted her gaze, the wind picking up around her. Her attention drifted to Haerin, who was standing with a group of girls nearby.

One of the girls, with strawberry-blonde hair, appeared distressed, while another shook her head in apparent disappointment. Minji sensed the impending trouble as Haerin abruptly started walking in their direction. "Shit," Minji cursed internally, realizing that Haerin was headed their way.

The wind rustled through the leaves above as Haerin approached, her presence subtly commanding attention. She stopped before the group, casting a cool gaze upon them, her crimson eyes glinting with an otherworldly allure.

The strawberry-blonde girl seemed somewhat flustered, her words stumbling as she tried to address Haerin. "Haerin, I just thought... maybe we could..."

But Haerin didn't give her the chance to finish. She simply shook her head, a hint of disappointment shadowing her expression. "No," she said tersely, cutting off the girl's words. Her tone was smooth but held an unmistakable air of finality.

The other girl, looking perturbed by Haerin's abruptness, attempted to interject. "Come on, Haerin. We were just..."

Once again, Haerin halted her with a steely glance. "Enough," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a weight that silenced the girl instantly.

The atmosphere grew tense as Haerin turned away from the group, her gaze now fixed on Minji. The world seemed to still for a moment as their eyes met. Minji felt an inexplicable shiver run down her spine, an undeniable sense of being captivated by Haerin's presence.

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