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Chapter 33: Without A Second Glance

Principal Anderson's gaze pierces through the crowd until it settles on Minji and her friends. His words hang heavy in the air, sending a chill down their spines. Minji feels a knot form in her stomach as she meets his steely gaze, her heart pounding in her chest.

Karina's jaw clenches, her fists tightening at her sides as she squares her shoulders, refusing to back down. Haerin's eyes narrow slightly, her expression unreadable as she prepares herself for what comes next. Winter remains stoic, her resolve unyielding despite the weight of the situation.

As the seniors file out of the hall one by one, Karina catches the eye of a prefect, Kelsie. She attempts to explain, but Kelsie's demeanor remains sharp and unwavering. "Follow me," Kelsie commands, her tone leaving no room for argument. Karina's frustration simmers beneath the surface as she longs to make sense of the situation to Kelsie, but she knows the prefect is too far gone to listen. With a resigned sigh, Karina focuses on herself and follows Kelsie's lead.

The group walks in silence, tension thick in the air as they make their way to the west wing of the school. Above the glass door of the new modern-looking room, a sign reads "Conference Room." Karina glances at Winter, who meets her gaze with a knowing look. Quickly, Karina looks away, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to their exchange.

Inside the conference room, the atmosphere is tense as the seniors take their seats around the polished wooden table. Principal Anderson stands at the head of the room, his expression stern as he addresses the assembled students.

"As you are all aware," he begins, his voice echoing in the quiet space, "we are conducting tests to ensure the safety and security of our school community."

A murmur of apprehension ripples through the room as the students exchange nervous glances. Karina clenches her fists under the table, her jaw set in determination as she braces herself for what's to come.

"These tests will be conducted with the utmost discretion and confidentiality," Principal Anderson continues, his gaze sweeping across the room. "We understand that this may be a sensitive issue for some of you, but I assure you that it is necessary for the well-being of everyone in this school."

Karina's stomach churns with unease as she listens to the principal's words. She exchanges a worried glance with Winter, who offers a reassuring nod in return.

Principal Anderson's eyes linger on Karina for a moment before he speaks again. "Seniors will be the first to undergo these tests," he announces, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Karina's heart sinks as she marvels at the situation. She exchanges a tense look with Minji, whose expression mirrors her own apprehension. Without a word, they both know what this means – they're about to face scrutiny like never before.

She casts one last glance at Winter, who nods silently, her eyes filled with determination.

Karina falls into step behind the prefect, Kelsie, her mind racing with a million thoughts. What will these tests entail? Will they be able to pass them without revealing their true identities? And what will happen if they fail?

Inside, the room is stark and sterile, the modern furnishings adding to the sense of unease that hangs in the air. Karina takes her seat at the table, her hands trembling slightly as she waits for the testing to begin.

As the other seniors stand outside the glass. Karina exchanges a nervous glance with Minji. They may be facing an uncertain future, but one thing is certain – they'll face it together, no matter what lies ahead.

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