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Chapter 34: Taking The Fall
Karina's perspective: ⚕

There was an air of composure about her as she spoke those words, almost tempting me to barge into the room and halt everything. She exuded calmness as she answered each question with honesty, drawing the woman's keen interest. Glancing at Haerin, I noticed her intense focus on the scene unfolding inside, as if trying to penetrate through the barrier separating our worlds. Curiosity overwhelmed me, and I couldn't help but ask, "What's happening in there?" Haerin's response was a murmured, "She's taking the fall." The words struck me with surprise and confusion.

"Taking the fall? She's confessing?" I questioned, but Haerin remained silent, fully engrossed in her attempt to eavesdrop. I held my tongue, allowing her to concentrate. Suddenly, a smirk played on Haerin's lips. "Winter, you absolute fool," she muttered, and I struggled to contain my urge to demand an explanation. Then, movement caught my attention as Winter stood up, removing the wires herself. With a few words, she approached the door, which swung open, and a rush of wind signified the reconnection of our worlds.

As Winter stepped out, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Haerin and I exchanged a glance, both of us trying to decipher the implications of Winter's actions. Without a word, Winter strode towards us, her expression unreadable. Haerin moved closer, her posture tense yet expectant.

"Winter, what did you do in there?" I blurted out, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. Winter's lips curved into a cryptic smile, her eyes betraying a hint of satisfaction.

"I did what needed to be done," Winter repeated, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of gravity. Her gaze held mine, revealing a depth of conviction that sent shivers down my spine. Despite the gravity of her words, her smile remained solemn, as if bearing the weight of a heavy burden.

The doors swung open once more, and Principal Anderson emerged, casting a shadow over the room. As the crowd dispersed, my heart raced with apprehension. Guards, dressed in intimidating uniforms, began to advance toward us, their presence suffocating. My breath caught in my throat, disbelief washing over me like a tidal wave. This couldn't be happening.

Desperation clawed at my chest as I turned to Winter, searching for answers in her unwavering gaze. But she remained eerily calm, unaffected by the chaos unfolding around us. "Stop, what did you do?" I choked out the words, my voice trembling with fear and confusion. Minji clung to Haerin behind Winter, her grip tight with panic as the guards closed in on us.

I yelled, pleading with them to release Winter, to let her go. But she offered no resistance, allowing herself to be manhandled with a resigned acceptance that tore at my soul. How could she surrender so easily, allowing herself to be torn away from us like this?

Principal Anderson's voice reverberated through the room, a hollow reassurance that did nothing to ease my torment. They had caught the scapegoat, the supposed stain on our pristine world. Testing was over, but at what cost?

"No! Let her go! It's not her... it's me!" I screamed, desperation lacing my words. But my pleas fell on deaf ears as unseen arms enveloped me, restraining me from reaching her. "It's okay, Karina. You don't have to protect her anymore. She's gone," someone murmured, their voice distant and detached.

I fought against their hold, my body trembling with agony as Winter was pulled further and further away from me. Each step she took felt like a knife twisting in my chest, tearing at the fragile bond that held us together. And as she disappeared from view, a part of me shattered, consumed by the anguish of her absence.

Losing someone is like being thrown into a whirlwind of emotions, each one hitting you like a tidal wave. First comes disbelief, a numbing shock that clouds your mind and leaves you grasping for answers. Then comes the crushing weight of sadness, dragging you down into a pit of despair. Depression sets in, suffocating you with its suffocating grip. And finally, there's anger, a fiery rage that burns deep within your soul.

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