Chapter 14

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Slateheart watched as Leopardpaw and Shellstorm fled out of the camp and held his head high triumphantly. He was beaten by them once before, and he had refused to do it again. He had seen the fear in Leopardpaw's eyes, and shook his head. Stupid she-cat, I wasn't going to kill her. He thought, but he couldn't help but enjoy the fact that he was a feared warrior.

His wounds burned, they were far from fatal. He would keep fighting, he would make sure to drive out each and every cowardly MoonClan cat. His eyes scanned and he spotted the Clan deputy Swiftheart who was still wrestling with Nightheart. Her white paws were stained with his blood and Swiftheart had blood on his muzzle from biting Nightheart, both of them had wounds but neither of them looked exhausted.

He looked forward the younger AshClan cats in case any of the apprentices needed help, which they likely did. The first one he found was Otterpaw, the young apprentice was fighting Swanfeather. The white she-cat had blood splashed across her pure white pelt that glowed in the moonlight. Otterpaw was bleeding heavily from a wound on his shoulder and struggled to put any pressure on it.

Perfect. Slateheart charged forward towards Swanfeather and leapt forward, landing on her back. He was bigger and stronger than her so he toppled her easily. She landed with a squeak and Slateheart glared at Otterpaw. "Go to Blackstorm. Now!" He roared the command and Otterpaw skittered away in fear, vanishing into the crowd.

Slateheart turned his attention back to Swanfeather and raked his claws down her exposed flank. She hissed in pain and struggled under his grip. "Are all MoonClan warriors this pathetic?" He taunted, keeping her pinned as she flailed underneath him.

She managed to get a good bite on Slateheart's forepaw, causing him to yank it back and she squirmed out from under him, whipping around to face him. "Only pathetic warrior here is you!" Swanfeather hissed through her teeth.

The insult dug into his pelt and Slateheart charged at her, she jumped to the side but her he planted his back paws and twisted towards her, his claws digging into her flank and tearing through her soft white fur. "I've already driven off one of your warriors and your little apprentice."

Swanfeather snarled and lashed out, her claws barely missing Slateheart's muzzle. He drove himself forward, driving his head directly into her chest. She fell hard to the ground and looked dazed. He shot forward like an adder, sinking his teeth into her shoulder just as he did Leopardpaw.

She hissed in pain and struggled underneath him. He felt her claws sinking in his haunches and he let her go. She lashed out and her claws met his cheek, he hissed and jumped back. Swanfeather desperately got to her paws and ran off as well. "Too easy." Slateheart scoffed.

He looked around the battlefield, it was hard to tell which side was winning. He had sent off Leopardpaw, Shellstorm and Swanfeather, but he could tell a few AshClan cats were missing as well.

His attention was then caught by Graypelt who fought Brokenclaw. The older gray tom had blood welling from a deep wound on his leg and chest, his movements were becoming sluggish. Brokenclaw was well known to be the best fighter in MoonClan, and Graypelt's torn body was a sign of that.

Slateheart ran to him, not feeling any fear by fighting the senior warrior. As he sprinted towards the two toms he saw Brokenclaw tackled Graypelt to the ground, the AshClan tom's head hitting the ground hard and Slateheart realized how much blood he lost from the crimson stained stone beneath him. Slateheart grit his teeth and jumped onto Brokenclaw's back, raking his claws down his tabby pelt.

Brokenclaw roared in pain and reared up on his hind legs, dropping Slateheart to the ground. The tabby then slammed his paws down on Slateheart's body, he winced in pain and realized that there was a reason Brokenclaw was considered the best.

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