Chapter 14

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Marinette rushed into class clutching her books to her chest. The door swung open as she stumbled in. She sighed in relief seeing the teacher hadn't arrived yet and turned to sit beside Adrien.

"Hi Marinette, could you swap seats with me today," Lila sat beside Adrien with an innocent look plastered on her face.

"What no-" Marinette protested.

"It's just my tinnitus is really acting up and Adrien is going to help me take notes today," she wrapped her long fingers around Adrien's wrist. Marinette glanced past Lila at the blond boy. His eyes were cast downwards as if he wasn't even aware of his surroundings.

"Lila this is my seat," Marinette held firm.

"Marinette, it's one day, stop being jealous," Alya's voice uninterrupted the two girls' conversation. Marinette shot Alya a glare. She looked past Alya and saw the entire class was watching the conversation. She sighed in defeat, this wasn't going to end well if she kept pushing.

She walked in front of the desk and glanced back at Adrien, he still hadn't acknowledged his surroundings even as she walked past him. His eyes almost looked glazed over as she walked through his field of view. She let her foot catch on the first step and tumbled to the ground beside Adrien, her books clattering to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Adrien jumped out of his seat and was by her side in a moment. Marinette looked up into his eyes and was met with a deep concern. She felt guilty for scaring him but was happy to see he wasn't completely out of it like she had worried. What did worry her was how red and puffy his eyes were.

"I'm just such a klutz sometimes," she said in a hushed tone collecting her belongings, "are you okay?"

Adrien seemed surprised by the question as he held out a hand for her to grab. She placed her hand in his and lifted herself up, the two stood hand in hand for a moment. Adrien held her gaze and she could see him considering her question with his brows furrowed.

"Adrien," Lila commanded, looking furious. He looked back at where she had her arms crossed. Marinette felt him pull his hand from hers as if suddenly stung by the contact.

"Sorry," he muttered. She watched him settle back into his seat and resume staring ahead into nothing. Lila clung onto him again and started talking at him about some photoshoot.

Marinette sighed and walked to the back of the class and took the furthest empty seat. She swung her bag down to the ground and placed her books in front of her. She glanced to the front of the class and watched as Lila put her hand in Adrien's hair playing with it. The sight made Marinette want to vomit.

She furiously busied herself with her sketchbook. She couldn't stand to watch the two of them. She flipped through the pages until she found the Chat Noir inspired drawings. She smiled to herself. Her passion project was something of an escape lately, if she couldn't see him every night at least she could draw him. She sketched out a basic model and began drawing some ideas for a jacket. She hadn't worked with leather, or rather faux leather, much but it seemed like it was going to be a necessity for this fashion line.

By the time Mrs. Bustier arrived Marinette had sketched out a few pages worth of design ideas. She closed the sketchbook and did her best to pay attention to class but being at the very back made it difficult to concentrate. It was especially hard when she could see Lila out of the corner of her eye. The brunette was practically cuddling Adrien all class. He kept moving over as if he could get away from her until he was at the very edge of the seat.

Based on Adrien's body language he wanted to be as far away from Lila as possible. Usually Marinette would think Lila was being her usual lying self but for once there was evidence to back her up. The official Agreste social media had announced the two of them as a couple along with some very convincing photos of the pair's romantic interest in one another. Marinette resolved to get to the truth of Lilas' web; she couldn't believe Adrien would ever willingly date her.

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